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Cut corners (走捷徑,偷工減料):
解釋: The phrase "cut corners" means to take shortcuts or make compromises in order to save time, effort, or resources, often at the expense of quality or safety. It implies doing something in a less thorough or proper way.
片語「cut corners」指的是為了節省時間、精力或資源而採取捷徑或妥協,通常以品質或安全為代價。暗示以不夠徹底或不正確的方式做某事。

The construction company decided to cut corners by using cheaper materials, resulting in structural issues in the building. 建築公司決定使用較便宜的材料來節省成本,導致建築物出現結構問題。
Don't cut corners when preparing for the exam; it's essential to study thoroughly and understand the material. 準備考試時不要走捷徑,徹底學習並理解材料是至關重要的。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「cut corners」表示切割角落,其實是為了節省成本或時間而採取捷徑。
Fall through (失敗,不成事):
解釋: The phrase "fall through" means to fail to happen or to be completed as planned. It describes a situation where a previously arranged or expected event, agreement, or plan does not materialize or is canceled.
片語「fall through」指的是計劃未能如計劃般發生或完成。
Their vacation plans fell through because of unforeseen circumstances, and they had to stay home. 由於意外情況,他們的度假計劃泡湯了,不得不呆在家裡。
The business deal seemed promising, but it fell through at the last moment due to disagreements between the parties involved. 這筆生意看似有前途,但由於涉及方之間的分歧,在最後一刻破裂了。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「fall through」表示跌倒,其實是計劃或協議的失敗。
Fall behind / Get behind ( 落後,進度緩慢 ):
解釋: The phrases "fall behind" and "get behind" both refer to the situation where someone or something is not keeping up with a specified pace, schedule, or standard. It implies a delay or lag in progress.
片語「fall behind」和「get behind」都指的是某人或某事未能跟上指定的步伐、時間表或標準的情況。暗示進展的延遲或滯後。
She had to stay late at work to catch up on her tasks because she had fallen behind. 她不得不加班工作,以完成她因落後而堆積的任務。
The construction project got behind schedule due to bad weather, causing delays in its completion. 由於惡劣天氣,建設項目進度落後,導致完工時間延遲。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「fall behind」和「get behind」表示跌倒,而實際上它們指的是進度的滯後。
Give in (屈服,讓步):
解釋: The phrase "give in" means to surrender, yield, or submit to pressure, persuasion, or demands from others. It implies that someone accepts a situation, agrees to a request, or concedes defeat.
片語「give in」指的是向來自他人的壓力、說服或要求屈服、讓步或投降。
After a long argument, she finally gave in and agreed to compromise on the project's design. 經過長時間的爭論,她最終屈服,同意在項目設計上妥協。
The defendant decided to give in and plead guilty, avoiding a lengthy trial. 被告決定屈服並承認有罪,避免了冗長的審判。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「give in」是提供某物,其實是在壓力下屈服或讓步。
1. What does the phrase fall through mean?
a) To physically fall to the ground.
b) To fail to happen or be completed as planned.
c) To become clumsy.
d) To experience a sudden drop in temperature.
2. When someone is said to fall behind, what does it imply?
a) They are physically falling backward.
b) They are keeping up with the schedule.
c) They are not keeping up with the pace, schedule, or standard.
d) They are becoming more efficient.
3. What does it mean when someone decides to give in?
a) They are offering a gift.
b) They are resisting pressure or demands.
c) They are surrendering or yielding to pressure, persuasion, or requests.
d) They are taking charge of a situation.
4. If a person chooses to cut corners, what are they likely doing?
a) They are literally cutting the corners of a piece of paper.
b) They are taking the long route.
c) They are saving time or resources by making compromises, often sacrificing quality.
d) They are decorating a room.
b) To fail to happen or be completed as planned.
c) They are not keeping up with the pace, schedule, or standard.
c) They are surrendering or yielding to pressure, persuasion, or requests.
c) They are saving time or resources by making compromises, often sacrificing quality.