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5分鐘英文口語|"熬夜等待"可以說 Wait up for

作家相片: Lin Chen XiLin Chen Xi

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Wait up for (等待,不早睡以等待某人或某事):

解釋: The phrase "wait up for" means to stay awake and not go to bed at the usual time in anticipation of someone's arrival or the occurrence of something. It implies keeping oneself awake or delaying sleep to be available or present when needed.

片語「wait up for」指的是為了等待某人的到來或某事的發生而不在平常的時間上床睡覺。



  1. She asked her parents to wait up for her because she was coming home late from the party. 她請她的父母等她,因為她從派對晚歸。

  2. The children were so excited about Christmas morning that they couldn't sleep and decided to wait up for Santa Claus. 孩子們對聖誕早晨如此興奮,以至於無法入睡,決定等待聖誕老人。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「wait up for」只有等待,其實是等待某人或某事而不早睡。


Wear off (消退,漸漸消失):

解釋: The phrase "wear off" is used to describe the gradual decrease or disappearance of a physical or psychological effect over time. It suggests that the impact of something is diminishing or wearing away.

片語「wear off」用來描述物理或心理效應隨著時間的推移逐漸減弱或消失。



  1. The painkiller will take some time to wear off, so you may still feel numb for a while. 止痛藥需要一些時間才能消退,所以你可能還會感到麻木一段時間。

  2. The initial excitement of moving to a new city eventually wore off as the challenges of adjusting to a new environment became apparent. 搬到新城市的初期興奮感最終消退,因為適應新環境的挑戰變得明顯。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「wear off」是穿著東西,其實是效應逐漸減弱或消失。


Wear down (耗盡體力,使疲勞):

解釋: The phrase "wear down" means to cause physical or mental fatigue through continuous effort, pressure, or persistence. It suggests that someone becomes tired or exhausted over time due to ongoing challenges or demands.

片語「wear down」指的是通過持續的努力、壓力或堅持導致身體或精神疲勞。



  1. The long negotiations wore down the participants, and they finally reached a compromise. 長時間的談判使參與者疲憊不堪,最終他們達成了妥協。

  2. The relentless workload began to wear him down, and he realized the importance of taking regular breaks. 無情的工作量開始讓他筋疲力盡,他意識到定期休息的重要性。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 不是單純指物體的磨損,而是指在精神、情感或身體方面的逐漸消耗或疲勞。這是一個抽象的概念,而不是物理上的磨損。



Lay off (解雇,裁員):

解釋: The phrase "lay off" means to terminate someone's employment, often as a result of economic conditions, organizational changes, or downsizing. It is a formal way of saying someone has been dismissed or let go from their job.

片語「lay off」指的是終止某人的雇佣,通常是由於經濟情況、組織變化或縮編的結果。



  1. Due to financial difficulties, the company had to lay off several employees to cut costs. 由於財務困難,公司不得不解雇幾名員工以削減成本。

  2. The factory had to lay off workers temporarily during the production slowdown, but they planned to rehire them once business improved. 在生產減緩期間,工廠不得不暫時解雇工人,但他們計劃在業務改善後重新雇用他們。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 通常指的是暫時或永久解雇工作的員工,但在字面上可能會誤解為放下或放下某物。這個短語實際上是在描述雇主采取的行動,不是指物體的位置。



1. What does the phrase wait up for mean?

a) To eagerly anticipate something.

b) To delay going to bed in order to welcome someone or something.

c) To hurry up and complete a task.

d) To wait for an important call.

2. When does the effect of something typically wear off?

a) Suddenly and without warning.

b) Gradually over time.

c) Only in the morning.

d) After consuming a large meal.

3. What happens when continuous effort or pressure causes someone to become physically or mentally fatigued?

a) They wear out.

b) They wear in.

c) They wear up.

d) They wear down.

4. What does it mean when a company decides to lay off employees?

a) They are giving employees a day off.

b) They are promoting employees to higher positions.

c) They are temporarily relocating employees.

d) They are terminating employees' employment.


  1. b) To delay going to bed in order to welcome someone or something.

  2. b) Gradually over time.

  3. d) They wear down.

  4. d) They are terminating employees' employment.

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