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5分鐘英文口語|touch and go是指什麼?

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Touch and go (危機四伏,機會渺茫):

解釋: The phrase "touch and go" is used to describe a situation that is precarious, uncertain, or has a high degree of risk. It implies that the outcome is uncertain and could go either way, similar to a situation where an aircraft briefly touches the ground before taking off again.

片語「touch and go」用來描述一種危險、不確定或高風險的情況。



  1. The patient's condition was touch and go for a while, but fortunately, he is now stable and recovering. 病人的情況一度危急,但幸運的是,他現在穩定並正在康復。

  2. The success of the mission was touch and go due to the adverse weather conditions, but they managed to complete it safely. 由於惡劣的天氣條件,這次任務的成功機會幾乎渺茫,但他們成功地完成了它。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「touch and go」是觸摸並繼續,其實是情況危險且不確定


Buy out (買斷,收購):

解釋: The phrase "buy out" means to purchase the complete ownership or controlling interest of a company or entity by acquiring all of its shares or assets. It can also refer to buying someone's share or ownership in a partnership or joint venture to gain sole control.

片語「buy out」指的是通過購買一家公司或實體的所有股份或資產,來獲得完全的所有權或控制權。它也可以指購買合夥或聯合企業中某人的股份或所有權,以獲得獨立控制。


  1. The larger corporation decided to buy out the smaller startup to expand its market presence. 較大的公司決定買斷較小的初創企業,以擴大其市場存在。

  2. The business partners had a disagreement, and one of them offered to buy out the other's share in the company. 商業合作夥伴出現分歧,其中一人提出買斷對方在公司的股份。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「buy out」是購買一些東西,其實是指購買整個公司或實體的所有權或控制權。


Back out (退出,食言):

解釋: The phrase "back out" means to withdraw from a commitment, agreement, or plan that one had previously agreed to or promised to participate in. It can also refer to physically moving backward out of a space or situation.

片語「back out」指的是從之前同意或承諾參加的承諾、協議或計劃中撤回。



  1. She had to back out of the project at the last minute due to a family emergency. 她不得不因為家庭緊急情況在最後一刻退出該項目。

  2. The car was parked so close to the wall that it took him a while to back out of the garage. 車子停得離牆太近,以至於他花了一些時間才能倒車出車庫。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「back out」是向後移動,其實是退出承諾或協議


Let alone (更不用說,更別提):

解釋: The phrase "let alone" is used to emphasize that something is even less likely or possible than the thing previously mentioned. It indicates that the second item is excluded or considered even more unlikely.

片語「let alone」用來強調某事比之前提到的事情更不可能或更難實現。



  1. I don't have time to cook dinner, let alone bake a cake for the party. 我沒有時間做晚餐,更別提為派對烤蛋糕了。

  2. He can't even ride a bicycle, let alone drive a car. 他連騎自行車都不會,更別提開車了。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「let alone」是讓某事繼續,而實際上它用來表達排除或更不可能的情況。

"Let alone" 是一個英語短語,通常用來表示一個事物相對於另一個事物的極端差異或不相容。





1. What does the phrase buy out mean?

a) To purchase a small quantity of something.

b) To acquire complete ownership or controlling interest in a company or entity.

c) To return an item to the store.

d) To give away items for free.

2. If someone decides to back out, what are they doing?

a) They are moving forward.

b) They are withdrawing from a commitment or agreement.

c) They are doubling their efforts.

d) They are joining a new project.

3. What does it mean when a situation is described as touch and go?

a) It means the situation is stable and secure.

b) It means the outcome is uncertain and risky.

c) It means the situation is completely under control.

d) It means the situation is straightforward and simple.

4. How is the phrase let alone used in a sentence?

a) To emphasize that something is more likely to happen.

b) To indicate that two things are equally likely.

c) To emphasize that something is even less likely or possible.

d) To suggest that something is impossible to achieve.


  1. b) To acquire complete ownership or controlling interest in a company or entity.

  2. b) They are withdrawing from a commitment or agreement.

  3. b) It means the outcome is uncertain and risky.

  4. c) To emphasize that something is even less likely or possible.

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