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5分鐘英文口語|搭配可以用go with

作家相片: Lin Chen XiLin Chen Xi

語言學習都可以透過chatGPT來做更好的解釋翻譯與使用,另外也可以出考題,讓自己每日學習有所回饋,讓我們今天跟學一下常見的英文片語吧 ! !



go with / go together:

解釋: 都表示兩個或多個事物相互相配或相容,通常是指外觀或性質。


  1. Red wine often goes with a nice steak dinner. 紅酒通常與美味的牛排晚餐相配。

  2. Her cheerful personality goes together well with her colorful style. 她開朗的個性和多彩的風格很相配。


see about / attend to / see to:

解釋: 都表示要處理或照料某事。

  • "See about":這個短語通常指的是確保某事得到處理,但可能不一定是你自己處理它。你可以請別人或機構來處理它。例如: "Can you see about getting the car repaired? It's making a strange noise." (你能幫忙處理一下修車的事嗎?它發出奇怪的聲音。)

  • "Attend to":這個短語更強調親自處理某事或照料某物。它通常表示你會親自處理某事或確保某事得到你的關注和注意。例如:"I need to attend to these emails before the end of the day." (我需要在今天結束之前處理這些電子郵件。)

  • "See to":這個短語與 "attend to" 類似,也表示親自處理某事或確保某事得到關注。它通常用於描述對事情的負責或照料。例如:"I'll see to it that the project is completed on time." (我會確保項目準時完成。)


now and then / from time to time / once in a while:



"Now and then":這個短語表示事件或活動是偶爾、不時發生的,但沒有固定的頻率。


"I visit my grandparents now and then." (我不時去拜訪我的祖父母。)

"From time to time":這個短語也表示事件或活動是不時發生的,但與 "now and then" 相比,它稍微強調事件或活動發生的更加有規律。例如:

"I go hiking in the mountains from time to time." (我不時去山上遠足。)

"Once in a while":這個短語表示事件或活動發生的頻率相對低,就像是偶爾的、不經常的。它強調罕見性。例如:

"I treat myself to ice cream once in a while." (我偶爾會犒賞自己吃冰淇淋。)



crack down on:

解釋: 表示采取嚴厲的行動來制止或打擊某種行為或活動,通常是指違法或不擁守規則的行為。


  1. The government decided to crack down on illegal drug trafficking in the city. 政府決定打擊城市內的非法販毒活動。

  2. The school has started to crack down on cheating during exams. 學校已經開始打擊考試作弊行為。



1. What does the phrase "see about" mean?

  • a) To have a clear vision

  • b) To investigate or take care of something

  • c) To see something with your own eyes

2. Which phrase means "occasionally" or "from time to time"?

  • a) By heart

  • b) Once in a while

  • c) Go together

3. What is the synonym for "ill at ease"?

  • a) Comfortable

  • b) Anxious or uncomfortable

  • c) Satisfied

4. What does "crack down on" imply?

  • a) To break something into pieces

  • b) To relax and take it easy

  • c) To take strict measures against something


  1. b) To investigate or take care of something

  2. b) Once in a while

  3. b) Anxious or uncomfortable

  4. c) To take strict measures against something

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