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quite a few (相當多)
解釋: 有相當大量或許多的事物或人。用來形容數量不少的情況。
我們邀請了相當多的朋友參加派對。 (We invited quite a few friends to the party.)
那家餐廳有相當多種美食選擇。 (That restaurant has quite a few food options.)

used to / be used to / get used to (說明差異)
used to: 用來描述過去經常或習慣性做的事情,但現在不再如此。
例如,"I used to smoke" 表示過去抽菸,但現在不抽了。
be used to: 用來描述已經習慣於某事物或情況。
例如,"I am used to early mornings" 表示我習慣了早起。
get used to: 用來描述適應某事物或情況的過程。
例如,"I am getting used to my new job" 表示我正在適應新工作。
in no time (馬上,立刻)
解釋: 這個片語表示某事將在非常短的時間內發生,幾乎是立刻。它用來形容速度非常快。
He finished the task in no time. (他完成了這項工作,幾乎是馬上。)
The team won the game in no time.。 (那支隊伍以非常快的速度贏得了比賽)
cut down on / cut back on (減少,削減)
解釋: 都表示減少某事物的使用或消耗。通常用於飲食、開支、時間等方面的減少。
cut down on: 通常指減少不健康的飲食或習慣,如減少吃甜食或抽菸。
cut back on: 更廣泛地用於減少各種事物,如減少花費,減少時間投入等。
I'm trying to cut down on coffee, so I've started reducing the number of cups per day. (我正在嘗試減少咖啡的攝取量,所以我開始減少每天的咖啡杯數。)
Due to financial pressure, we have to cut back on our vacation budget. (由於經濟壓力,我們必須削減度假的預算。)
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 可能混淆使用 "cut down on" 和 "cut back on",但它們的意義非常接近,只是稍微有些不同的用法。
1. Which phrase means "a large quantity" or "many"?
a) in no time
b) be used to
c) quite a few
d) cut down on
2. What does "used to" express?
a) An action that is happening currently.
b) A past habit or state that no longer exists.
c) An action that will happen in the future.
d) A continuous habit in the present.
3. Which phrase means "immediately" or "without delay"?
a) by heart
b) now and then
c) in no time
d) get used to
4. What do "cut down on" and "cut back on" both suggest?
a) Increasing consumption.
b) Expanding a habit.
c) Reducing or decreasing something.
d) Making something more efficient.
1 : c) quite a few
2: b) A past habit or state that no longer exists.
3: c) in no time
4: c) Reducing or decreasing something.