stick up ( 持槍搶劫,勒索 ) :
解釋 : This phrase has two main meanings. The first is a colloquial term for armed robbery or extortion, where someone threatens or uses a weapon to steal from others. The second meaning is more literal and refers to something being physically elevated or sticking upright.
例句 :
The masked man tried to stick up the convenience store, but the cashier activated the alarm, and the police arrived quickly. 那個戴著面具的男子試圖搶劫便利店,但收銀員啟動了警報,警察很快趕到了。
The poster on the wall was starting to peel, and I decided to stick up the edges with some tape to keep it in place. 牆上的海報開始剝落,我決定用一些膠帶將邊緣黏起來,保持它固定。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 可能會誤解單純只有在一個物體上黏貼某物的行動。

meet (someone) halfway ( 妥協,讓步 ) :
解釋 : This phrase means to reach a compromise with someone, where both parties are willing to give up some of their demands or preferences to find a mutually acceptable solution. It implies a willingness to work together and find a middle ground in a disagreement.
In order to resolve the contract dispute, the two companies decided to meet halfway on the terms and conditions. 為了解決合同糾紛,這兩家公司決定在條款和條件上妥協。
When it comes to choosing a movie to watch, we often have different preferences, but we try to meet each other halfway and find a film that we both enjoy. 在選擇要觀看的電影時,我們經常有不同的偏好,但我們試著互相妥協,找到一部我們都喜歡的電影。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能誤解為字面上的行動,以為是實際上要在某個地方與某人見面一半的距離,而實際上指的是在意見不一致的情況下達成共識或妥協。
keep up ( 保持,跟上 ):
解釋 : This phrase means to maintain a certain level or pace, whether it's in terms of progress, performance, or staying informed. It implies the act of not falling behind or remaining current in a particular activity or situation.
例句 :
To succeed in the fast-paced business world, it's essential to keep up with the latest trends and innovations. 要在快節奏的商業世界取得成功,保持跟上最新的趨勢和創新是至關重要的。
Sarah had to work hard to keep up with the rest of the class in the advanced math course, but her determination paid off with excellent grades. 莎拉必須努力跟上高級數學課程的其他同學,但她的毅力通過優秀的成績得到了回報。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 可能會誤解為字面上的物理行動,以為是指要繼續前進或跟在某人的身後,而實際上它是指在各種活動或情況下保持某種水平或跟上進展。
let on ( 透露,表露 ):
解釋 : This phrase means to reveal or disclose information, especially when it was intended to be kept secret or hidden. It involves giving away a piece of information or showing something that wasn't meant to be known.
例句 :
Jane didn't want anyone to know about her surprise party, so she made sure not to let on to her friends about it. 珍妮不想讓任何人知道她的驚喜派對,所以她確保不向朋友透露任何信息。
The detective tried to get the suspect to let on where he had hidden the stolen jewelry, but the suspect remained silent. 警探試圖讓嫌疑犯透露他藏匿了被盜的珠寶的地方,但嫌疑犯保持沉默。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能會誤解為字面上的行動,以為是指允許某人進入某個地方或位置,而實際上它是指透露信息或披露秘密。
What does the phrase meet (someone) halfway mean?
A. To physically meet someone at a specific location.
B. To reach a compromise with someone.
C. To refuse to negotiate with someone.
D. To insist on one's own way.
In the context of a crime, what does stick up refer to?
A. Physically sticking an object upright.
B. Elevating something to a higher position.
C. Armed robbery or extortion.
D. Maintaining a pace or level.
What does it mean to keep up in a particular activity?
A. To fall behind and lose progress.
B. To reveal a secret.
C. To maintain a certain level or pace.
D. To meet someone at a location.
When does someone let on about a secret?
A. When they want to keep it hidden.
B. When they accidentally reveal it.
C. When they share it willingly.
D. When they forget about it.
B. To reach a compromise with someone.
C. Armed robbery or extortion.
C. To maintain a certain level or pace.
C. When they share it willingly.