語言學習都可以透過chatGPT來做更好的解釋翻譯與使用,另外也可以出考題,讓自己每日學習有所回饋,讓我們今天跟學一下常見的英文片語吧 ! !
in case (以防,萬一):
解釋: This phrase is used to indicate a precautionary action taken to prepare for a possible event or situation. It implies being prepared for a particular circumstance that may or may not occur. 這個片語用來表示為了應對可能發生的事件或情況而採取的預防措施。它暗示為可能或可能不會發生的特定情況做好準備。
Please keep some extra batteries in your bag, just in case your flashlight runs out of power during the camping trip. 請在背包中放些額外的電池,以防露營時手電筒沒電。
Always carry an umbrella in case it rains suddenly.. 總是帶著一把傘,以防突然下雨。

hand in (提交,上交):
解釋: This phrase means to submit or give something, typically a document or assignment, to a person, organization, or authority. It implies the act of physically delivering or presenting something. 這個片語指的是將某物,通常是文件或作業,提交給一個人、組織或權威機構。它暗示了實際交付或呈現某物的行為。
Don't forget to hand in your completed application form to the admissions office by the deadline. 不要忘記在截止日期前將完成的申請表交給招生辦公室。
The students were required to hand in their essays electronically through the online platform. 學生們需要通過線上平台以電子方式提交他們的論文。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 單純的將手放在某物上,而忽略了它實際上是指提交或上交。
no wonder (難怪,不足為奇):
解釋: This phrase is used when something is not surprising or is easily understood given the circumstances. It indicates that the result or situation is expected and makes sense. 這個片語用來表示某事不令人驚訝,或在特定情況下容易理解。它表明結果或情況是預料之中的,並且合乎情理。
She's been practicing the piano for hours every day; no wonder she's such a talented musician. 她每天都練習鋼琴幾個小時,難怪她是一位如此有才華的音樂家。
With all the hard work he puts into his studies, it's no wonder he gets top grades in every subject. 考慮到他在學業上的努力,不足為奇他在每門科目中都拿到了最高分。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 :對某事情的不理解,而忽略了它實際上是用來表示理解或合情合理。
hold up ( 耽擱,拖延,舉起 ):
舉起:最直接的含義是指將某物舉起或支撐住。 例如,"Please hold up the sign so everyone can see it" (請將牌子舉起,讓每個人都能看到)。
延遲:在某些情況下,"hold up" 可以表示延遲或推遲某事物的進行。 例如,"Traffic accidents can hold up your commute" (交通事故可能會延遲您的通勤)。
搶劫:在口語中,"hold up" 也可以指的是搶劫,特別是在犯罪活動中。 例如,"The bank was held up by armed robbers" (銀行被持械搶匪搶劫了)。
支持/鼓勵:有時,"hold up" 可以表示支持或鼓勵某人或某事。 例如,"He always holds up his friends in times of need" (在需要的時候,他總是支持他的朋友)。
表現得好:"hold up" 可以表示某人或某事在壓力或困難情況下表現得很好。 例如,"The team held up under pressure and won the game" (在壓力下,這支隊伍表現得很出色,贏得了比賽)。
The unexpected road construction held up our journey for an extra hour. 意外的道路施工讓我們的旅程多耽擱了一個小時。
Despite its age, the historic building has held up remarkably well and remains a symbol of the city's heritage. 儘管年歲已高,這座歷史悠久的建築仍然保持得相當穩固,是這個城市文化遺產的象徵。
The teacher asked the students to hold up their drawings for everyone to see. 老師要求學生們舉起自己的畫作讓大家看見。
1. What does the phrase hand in primarily mean?
A. To physically grasp something.
B. To submit or give something, often a document or assignment.
C. To clap or applaud.
D. To shake hands with someone.
2. What does the phrase in case indicate?
A. A particular situation that has happened.
B. A precautionary action taken to prepare for a possible event.
C. A decision that has been made.
D. A past event that cannot be changed.
3. When you say "no wonder," what are you implying?
A. Something is very surprising.
B. Something is not surprising given the circumstances.
C. Something is impossible to understand.
D. Something is a mystery.
4. In which context does the phrase hold up mean to cause a delay or be delayed?
A. When something remains strong or sturdy.
B. When something is physically raised or lifted.
C. When something is clearly explained.
D. When something is completed successfully.
B. To submit or give something, often a document or assignment.
B. A precautionary action taken to prepare for a possible event.
B. Something is not surprising given the circumstances.
A. When something remains strong or sturdy.