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5分鐘英文口語|become of 可以怎麼用?

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become of(發生在...身上,結果如何):

解釋: This phrase is used to ask about the fate, outcome, or future of someone or something, especially when you are concerned about what will happen to them. 用於詢問某人或某物的命運、結果或未來,特別是當你關心他們將會發生什麼事情時。

  1. 詢問未來運命:當你使用 "become of" 時,你通常在問某人或某物未來會怎麼樣。例如,"What will become of him if he loses his job?"(如果他失業了,他會怎麼樣?)

  2. 描述未來結果:"become of" 也可以用來描述某人或某物的未來結果。例如,"I wonder what will become of this old abandoned house"(我不知道這座被遺棄的老房子會變成什麼樣子)。

  3. 描述遺失或消失:有時,"become of" 可以表示某人或某物的失踪、消失或無法找到。例如,"I can't find my keys; I don't know what's become of them"(我找不到我的鑰匙,不知道它們到哪兒去了)。

  4. 疑問某人的命運:這個片語也可以用來疑問某人的未來命運,特別是當情況不明朗或不確定時。例如,"I'm concerned about what will become of the environment if we don't take action to protect it."(如果我們不采取行動來保護環境,我擔心環境會變成什麼樣子。)


  1. What will become of the old factory building once it's demolished? 舊工廠大樓拆除後會發生什麼事情?

  2. I haven't heard from Mary in years. I wonder what became of her. 我已經多年沒有收到瑪麗的消息了。我不知道她現在怎麼樣了。

錯誤的理解: 有些人可能誤解為主動使某事發生,而實際上它是關於某人或某物的命運或結果。


above all(首先):

解釋: This phrase is used to emphasize that something is the most important or significant aspect or consideration in a situation or argument.

  1. 最重要的是:當你說 "above all" 時,你強調某個事物或觀點是最重要的,其他事物都相對次要。例如,"Above all, we need to ensure the safety of our employees"(最重要的是,我們需要確保員工的安全)。

  2. 尤其是:"above all" 也可以表示特定的事物在其他事物中更加重要或優越。例如,"She values honesty above all in her relationships"(她在人際關係中尤其重視誠實)。

  3. 首要考慮因素:在某些情況下,"above all" 可以表示在做出決策或選擇時,某個因素是首要考慮的。例如,"When choosing a college, academic excellence should be above all other considerations"(在選擇大學時,學術優越性應該是首要考慮的因素)。


  1. Above all, we must prioritize the safety of our employees. 首先,我們必須優先考慮員工的安全。

  2. In this job, attention to detail is above all crucial. 在這份工作中,對細節的關注首先是至關重要的。


a lost cause(無望的事情):

解釋: This phrase refers to a situation or problem that is so hopeless or irreparable that it is not worth trying to fix or solve. 是一個無望或無法挽回的情況或問題,不值得嘗試修復或解決。

  • 無法挽回的情況:當你稱某事為 "a lost cause" 時,你認為無論做什麼都無法改善或修復這種情況。例如,"Trying to repair that old car is a lost cause; it's too damaged"(試圖修理那輛舊車是無望的,它已經太損壞了)。

  • 無望的目標或計劃:"a lost cause" 也可以用來描述一個目標或計劃,你認為已經無法實現或無法成功。例如,"His attempt to convince the team to stay was a lost cause; they had already made up their minds to leave"(他試圖說服團隊留下的嘗試是徒勞的,他們已經決定離開了)。

  • 無益的努力:有時,"a lost cause" 可以表示你認為繼續努力或嘗試是沒有益處的,因為結果不會改變。例如,"She felt that helping him was a lost cause because he refused to accept any assistance"(她覺得幫助他是徒勞的,因為他拒絕接受任何幫助)。


  1. Trying to convince him to change his mind is a lost cause; he's very stubborn. 試圖說服他改變主意是無望的,他非常固執。

  2. The old car was such a lost cause that it was better to buy a new one. 這輛老車已經無法挽回,買輛新車更明智。


break in(闖入,打斷):

解釋: This phrase has two main meanings. It can mean to enter a place forcefully and unlawfully (e.g., break into a house). It can also mean to interrupt or disrupt a conversation or activity. 可以表示強行非法進入某處(例如,闖入房屋)。也還可以表示打斷或干擾對話或活動。

  1. 闖入:最常見的含義是指非法進入建築物、車輛或地方,通常是為了竊盜或從事其他不法活動。例如,"Someone broke in and stole my laptop"(有人闖入並偷走了我的筆記本電腦)。

  2. 開始使用新事物:在某些情況下,"break in" 可以表示開始使用新的物品或裝置,特別是在它們需要一些時間來適應或變得更加舒適之前。例如,"I need to break in these new shoes; they're a bit tight right now"(我需要穿進這雙新鞋子,現在有點緊)。

  3. 介入/打斷:"break in" 也可以表示在談話、行動或過程中插嘴或打斷。例如,"Sorry to break in, but I have something important to say"(抱歉打斷,但我有重要的事情要說)。

  4. 熟悉/適應:在某些情況下,"break in" 可以表示逐漸熟悉或適應某個新環境、工作或角色。例如,"It took me a while to break in to my new job"(我花了一些時間適應我的新工作)。

  5. 干擾/干預:有時,"break in" 可以表示干擾或干預某人的私人空間、隱私或工作。例如,"I don't want anyone to break in on my personal time"(我不希望任何人干擾我的私人時間)。



1. What does the phrase "above all" mean?

  • A. Under everything

  • B. The least important

  • C. First and foremost

  • D. In the basement

2. Which of the following best defines "a lost cause"?

  • A. A cause that was found but is now missing

  • B. Something that was once valuable but is now worthless

  • C. A situation or problem that is beyond hope or recovery

  • D. A hidden agenda

3. When might you use the phrase "break in"?

  • A. To ask someone to take a break

  • B. When you want to physically damage something

  • C. To forcefully enter a place unlawfully

  • D. When discussing a broken bone

4. What does "become of" typically inquire about?

  • A. Someone's opinion

  • B. The future or outcome of someone or something

  • C. The origin of a problem

  • D. A person's preferences


1. C. First and foremost 2. C. A situation or problem that is beyond hope or recovery 3. C. To forcefully enter a place unlawfully

3. B. The future or outcome of someone or something

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