語言學習都可以透過chatGPT來做更好的解釋翻譯與使用,另外也可以出考題,讓自己每日學習有所回饋,讓我們今天跟學一下常見的英文片語吧 ! !
for one thing(首先,一方面):
解釋: This phrase is used to introduce the first of several reasons or explanations for something. It indicates that there are multiple factors to consider. 這個片語用來介紹某事的多個原因或解釋中的第一個原因。它表示有多個因素需要考慮。
I don't want to go to the beach today. For one thing, the weather doesn't look very promising. 我今天不想去海灘。首先天氣看起來不太理想。
There are many reasons why I enjoy hiking. For one thing, it allows me to connect with nature. 我喜歡徒步旅行的原因有很多。首先是讓我與大自然連接在一起。

once in a blue moon(千載難逢):
解釋: This phrase refers to something that happens very rarely or on rare occasions, indicating an infrequent event or occurrence. 這個片語指的是非常罕見或極少發生的事情,表示一個不常見的事件或情況。
We only visit our grandparents' house once in a blue moon because it's quite far away. 我們只在千載難逢的時候才去拜訪祖父母的家,因為它離得很遠。
Seeing a shooting star is a once-in-a-blue-moon experience, so we made a wish when we saw one last night. 看到流星是千載難逢的經歷,所以昨晚看到一顆時,我們許了個願望。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能誤解為藍色的月亮,其實是指極少發生的事情。
give up(放棄):
解釋: This phrase means to quit or cease trying to do something, often due to frustration, exhaustion, or the belief that it's impossible to succeed. 這個片語意味著停止嘗試做某事,通常是因為沮喪、精疲力竭,或者相信無法成功。
After many failed attempts, she decided to give up on learning to play the piano. 經過多次失敗的嘗試後,她決定放棄學鋼琴。
Don't give up on your dreams just because they seem challenging; persistence often leads to success. 不要因為夢想看起來很有挑戰性就放棄;堅持通常會帶來成功。
as for(至於):
解釋: This phrase is used to introduce a new topic or to provide additional information about something previously mentioned. It is often used to clarify or elaborate on a subject. 這個片語用於引入一個新的話題,或者提供有關先前提到的事物的附加信息。通常用於澄清或詳細說明一個主題。
I've finished my work for the day. As for tomorrow, I have a meeting scheduled in the morning. 我今天的工作已經完成了。至於明天,早上我有一個安排好的會議。
The party was a great success. As for the food, everyone loved it. 派對非常成功。至於食物,每個人都喜歡它。
1. What does the phrase "once in a blue moon" mean?
A. Regularly
B. Very rarely
C. Every day
D. Once a month
2. When someone decides to "give up," what are they doing?
A. Taking a break
B. Trying harder
C. Quitting or ceasing to try
D. Relaxing
3. What is the purpose of the phrase "as for" in a sentence?
A. To express surprise
B. To introduce a new topic or provide additional information
C. To conclude a conversation
D. To emphasize a point
4. How is the phrase "for one thing" typically used?
A. To introduce a list of reasons or explanations
B. To state the only reason for something
C. To express uncertainty
D. To apologize for a mistake
B. Very rarely
C. Quitting or ceasing to try
B. To introduce a new topic or provide additional information
A. To introduce a list of reasons or explanations