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all in all (總的來說;總共;總體而言):
解釋: 這個片語用來總結或表示對一個情況、事件或主題的整體看法。它表示考慮所有方面後的最終結論。
He made a few mistakes, but all in all, he did a fantastic job on the project. 他犯了一些錯誤,但總的來說,他在這個項目上表現得非常出色。
All in all, our vacation was wonderful. We had great weather, delicious food, and lots of fun activities. 總的來說,我們的假期非常美好。我們遇到了好天氣,品嚐了美味的食物,參加了許多有趣的活動。

總的來說:這是 "all in all" 最常見的含義,用來總結或概括一個情況,表明你將多個因素或觀點納入考慮並得出一個總結。例如,"All in all, it was a successful project"(總的來說,這是一個成功的項目)。
總計:有時,"all in all" 可以用來指總計或總數。例如,"All in all, there were 50 participants in the event"(總計有50名參與者參加了活動)。
總共:在某些情況下,"all in all" 可以表示某物的總數或總量。例如,"We spent $100 on groceries, all in all"(我們總共在食品杂货上花了100美元)。
總結結論:"all in all" 也可以表示在討論或報告的結尾總結或得出的結論。例如,"All in all, the research points to a need for further investigation"(總的來說,研究指出需要進一步調查)。
儘管 "all in all" 有多種含義,但主要作用是總結或概括,因此通常不會引起太大的誤解。不過,在特定語境中,確保確切理解其含義仍然很重要。
tell apart / tell from (區分;辨認出):
tell apart 表示識別或區分兩個或多個相似的事物,以辨認它們之間的不同之處。
tell from 也是用來區分或辨認,通常用來指出某事物或人與其他事物或人的差異。
It's difficult to tell the twins apart because they look so similar. 很難區分這對雙胞胎,因為他們看起來非常相似。
You can tell a genuine diamond from a fake one by its sparkle and clarity. 你可以通過鑽石的閃耀和澄澈程度來區分真鑽石和假鑽石。
pass out (昏倒;分發;發放):
The teacher passed out the exam papers to the students. 老師把考卷分發給學生們。
It was so hot in the room that one of the audience members passed out during the concert. 房間太熱了,一位觀眾在音樂會期間昏倒了。
錯誤的理解: 有些人可能誤解 "pass out" 僅表示昏倒,而忽略了它也有分發或發放的含義。
go over ( 復習;檢查;審查 ):
Before the exam, I need to go over my notes and practice problems. 考試前,我需要復習我的筆記並做練習題。
The manager will go over the budget with the finance team to ensure accuracy. 經理將和財務團隊審查預算以確保準確性。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 :"go over" 僅表示復習,而忽略了它也包括檢查或審查的意思。
1. What does the phrase tell apart primarily mean?
A. To mix things up.
B. To differentiate or distinguish between two or more similar things.
C. To hide something.
D. To tell secrets.
2. When someone says, "All in all, it was a great day," what are they expressing?
A. The day was terrible.
B. They didn't enjoy the day.
C. They had a fantastic day overall.
D. The day had both good and bad moments.
3. What does it mean if someone passes out during a meeting?
A. They distribute snacks to everyone.
B. They fall asleep due to boredom.
C. They suddenly lose consciousness.
D. They stand up and leave the meeting.
4. How would you define the phrase go over when referring to studying?
A. To skip studying altogether.
B. To review or study thoroughly.
C. To study in a hurry.
D. To study while standing up.
B. To differentiate or distinguish between two or more similar things.
C. They had a fantastic day overall.
C. They suddenly lose consciousness.
B. To review or study thoroughly.