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carry out (執行,實施) :
解釋: This phrase means to complete or perform a task, action, or plan. It implies taking the necessary steps to ensure that something is done as intended.

The research team will carry out a series of experiments to test their hypothesis. 研究小組將執行一系列實驗來測試他們的假設。
It's essential to carry out regular maintenance on machinery to ensure its proper functioning. 對機器進行定期維護以確保其正常運行是至關重要的。
執行/實行:這是 "carry out" 最常見的意思,指的是完成、實現或執行某項工作、計畫、任務或行動。例如,"They will carry out the project as planned"(他們將按計劃執行該項目)。
運載:在某些情況下,"carry out" 可以指的是運載或搬運物品。例如,"They hired a truck to carry out the furniture"(他們租了一輛卡車來運載家具)。
實現/完成(精神或情感行為):有時,"carry out" 可以用來描述實現或完成一個計畫、決定或行動,特別是指精神或情感方面的行為。例如,"She carried out her promise to always be there for her friend"(她實現了對朋友永遠在身邊的承諾)。
進行/實行(醫學手術或科學實驗):在醫學或科學上,"carry out" 可以用來表示進行手術、實驗或測試。例如,"The surgeon will carry out the operation tomorrow"(外科醫生將在明天進行手術)。
攜帶/携带:在某些情況下,"carry out" 也可以指的是攜帶某物。例如,"Please carry out your ID at all times"(請隨時攜帶身份證)。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 不只是攜帶某物,其實在語句中可能指執行或實施一個計劃或行動。
由於 "carry out" 的多種含義,為避免誤解,使用時應根據具體的上下文提供足夠的信息,或者考慮使用更具體的詞彙以確保準確傳達意思。
stay up (熬夜,不睡覺) :
解釋: This phrase means to remain awake and not go to bed or sleep at the usual or expected time. It can be intentional, such as staying up late to study or work, or unintentional due to various reasons.
She had to stay up all night to finish her assignment that was due the next morning. 她不得不熬夜完成第二天早上要交的作業。
The loud noises from the party next door kept him up all night, and he couldn't get any sleep. 隔壁派對的噪音讓他整夜無法入睡,他一夜都沒有休息。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 一些人可能誤解為字面上的站著不坐下,其實是指保持清醒並不入睡。
take over (接管,接手) :
解釋: This phrase means to assume control or responsibility for something that was previously managed or operated by someone else. It implies a transfer of authority or ownership.
After the retirement of the CEO, his son will take over the family business. 首席執行官退休後,他的兒子將接管家族生意。
The new manager will take over the project from the previous team and lead it to completion. 新經理將接管之前團隊的項目,並將其領導完成。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 可能誤解為字面上的拿走,其實是指承擔控制或責任。
make do (將就,應付) :
解釋: This phrase means to manage or cope with the resources or circumstances that are available, even if they are not ideal. It involves finding a practical solution without having everything one might want or need.
When they ran out of fresh ingredients, they had to make do with what was left in the pantry to prepare dinner. 當他們用完了新鮮食材,他們不得不應付那些在食品櫃裡剩下的東西來準備晚餐。
During the camping trip, they forgot the tent poles, so they had to make do by using sticks to support the tent. 在露營旅行中,他們忘了帳篷支柱,所以他們只能用木棍來支撐帳篷,將就著過夜。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 可能誤解為片語指的是盡力做到最好,其實是指在有限的資源或情況下找到應對方法。
1. What does the phrase carry out mean?
A. To carry a heavy object.
B. To complete or perform a task or action.
C. To go on a vacation.
D. To carry a bag.
2. When someone stays up, what are they doing?
A. They are going to bed early.
B. They are remaining awake and not going to bed at the usual time.
C. They are taking a short nap.
D. They are sleeping soundly.
3. What does it mean to take over something?
A. To give up control of it.
B. To assume control or responsibility for something previously managed by someone else.
C. To temporarily borrow it.
D. To destroy it.
4. What does the phrase make do imply?
A. To always strive for the best.
B. To find a practical solution with the available resources or circumstances.
C. To waste resources.
D. To purchase new items regularly.
B. To complete or perform a task or action.
B. They are remaining awake and not going to bed at the usual time.
B. To assume control or responsibility for something previously managed by someone else.
B. To find a practical solution with the available resources or circumstances.