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作家相片Lin Chen Xi

5分鐘英文口語|嘲笑怎麼說 ?

語言學習都可以透過chatGPT來做更好的解釋翻譯與使用,另外也可以出考題,讓自己每日學習有所回饋,讓我們今天跟學一下常見的英文片語吧 ! !



Make Fun of (取笑、嘲笑):

表示戲弄或嘲笑某人或某事,通常是不尊重或不友善的行為。當人們拿某人開玩笑,以取悅自己或逗笑別人時,他們正在make fun of 他們。


  • "Don't make fun of her accent; she's still learning the language."(不要嘲笑她的口音,她還在學語言。)

  • Sarah felt hurt when her classmates made fun of her new hairstyle. (當她的同學取笑她的新髮型時,莎拉感到受傷了。)

雖然 "make fun of" 通常用於輕鬆和善意的情境,但在某些情況下,也可能變成不尊重或冒犯的行為。在使用時要謹慎考慮上下文和對方的感受。


Hear of (聽說):



  • I heard of a new restaurant that just opened downtown. (我聽說市中心開了一家新餐廳。)

  • Have you heard of the famous author J.K. Rowling? (你聽說過著名作家J.K.羅琳嗎?)

常見錯誤的理解: 有些人可能會將其解釋為直接聽到聲音,而實際上它指的是知道或得知某事。


Wear Out (磨損):




  • My favorite sneakers are worn out, so I need to buy new ones. (我最喜歡的運動鞋磨損了,所以我需要買新的。)

  • After years of use, the old sofa was completely worn out. (經過多年的使用,舊沙發完全磨損了。)

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 :可能誤解為穿戴,其實指的是物品因長時間使用而損壞。


  • 物品損壞:當物品、衣物、鞋子等因長時間的使用而損壞或磨損時,可以使用 "wear out"。例如,"My old sneakers have finally worn out; I need to buy new ones"(我的舊運動鞋終於磨損了,我需要買新的)。

  • 疲勞:"wear out" 也可以用來形容人因長時間的體力或精神努力而感到疲勞。例如,"A long day at work can wear you out"(一個漫長的工作日可能使你筋疲力竭)。

  • 失去效力:有時,"wear out" 可以表示某事物失去了原本的效力、新鮮度或吸引力。例如,"The novelty of the game wore out quickly, and it became boring"(這款遊戲的新奇感很快消失,變得無聊了)。

  • 消耗:在某些情況下,"wear out" 可以指物品或資源的消耗。例如,"Excessive use of the printer can wear out the ink cartridge"(過多使用印表機會使墨盒耗盡)。

"wear out" 強調了物品或人因長時間的使用、磨損、消耗或努力而變得不再有效、疲憊或失去效力。


Call Off (取消):




  • Due to bad weather, they had to call off the outdoor picnic. (由於天氣惡劣,他們不得不取消了戶外野餐。)

  • The meeting was called off because the main speaker fell ill. (由於主講人生病了,會議被取消了。)

  1. 取消事件或活動:你可以使用 "call off" 來表示取消預定的活動、比賽、聚會等。例如,"They had to call off the picnic due to bad weather"(由於惡劣天氣,他們不得不取消野餐活動)。

  2. 中止計劃或行動:"call off" 也可以表示中止或放棄原本計劃要執行的事情。例如,"The company had to call off its expansion plans due to financial difficulties"(由於財務困難,公司不得不取消擴張計劃)。

  3. 停止或終止行為:有時,"call off" 可以指示停止某人正在進行的行為,通常是為了避免潛在的危險或問題。例如,"The lifeguard called off swimming due to strong currents"(由於強大的洋流,救生員叫停了游泳)。



1. What does the phrase "make fun of" mean?

a. To cancel plans or events.

b. To repair something that is broken.

c. To joke or mock someone or something.

d. To become tired from physical activity.

2. When might you "call off" an event?

a. When you want to invite more people.

b. When you need to postpone it.

c. When you want to make it more enjoyable.

d. When you want to prepare for it.

3. When you "hear of" something, it means...

a. You are listening to music.

b. You have knowledge of it based on what others have said.

c. You are ignoring it.

d. You are discussing it with someone.

4. If you "wear out" a pair of shoes, what happens to them?

a. They become new and stylish.

b. They break into pieces.

c. They become damaged or unusable due to extended use.

d. They become too big to wear.


  1. c. To joke or mock someone or something.

  2. b. When you need to postpone it.

  3. b. You have knowledge of it based on what others have said.

  4. c. They become damaged or unusable due to extended use.

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