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5分鐘英文口語|生產可以用 give birth to (21)

作家相片: Lin Chen XiLin Chen Xi


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give birth to ( 生產,分娩 ):

解釋: This phrase refers to the process by which a female organism, typically a human or animal, brings a baby or offspring into the world. It involves the act of delivering a child after pregnancy. 這個片語指的是一個女性生物,通常是人類或動物,將一個嬰兒或後代帶到這個世界的過程。它包括在懷孕後分娩的行為。


  1. The mother gave birth to a healthy baby boy after a long and difficult labor. 母親在長時間的艱苦分娩後生下了一個健康的男嬰。

  2. The zoo's female panda is expected to give birth to a cub in the coming months, which is a significant event for conservation efforts. 動物園的女大熊貓有望在接下來的幾個月內生下一頭幼崽,這對保育工作來說是一個重要的事件。

由於 "give birth to" 的多義性,特別是在比喻性的語境中,使用時應格外小心,以確保上下文清晰,以避免誤解。根據具體情況,可能需要提供更多背景信息來幫助理解。

  1. 生育嬰兒:這是 "give birth to" 最常見的意思,指的是女性分娩或生育嬰兒。例如,"She gave birth to a healthy baby boy"(她生了一個健康的男嬰)。

  2. 產生/創造:有時,"give birth to" 可以在比喻性的語境中使用,表示創造或產生某種事物或概念。例如,"The artist gave birth to a new style of painting"(藝術家創造了一種新的繪畫風格)。

  3. 開始/展開:在某些情況下,"give birth to" 可以用來表示開始或展開某個過程或計畫。例如,"The company gave birth to a new marketing campaign"(公司展開了一個新的市場營銷活動)。

  4. 引發:有時,"give birth to" 可以表示某事引發了其他事情的發生。例如,"His speech gave birth to a heated debate"(他的演講引發了一場激烈的辯論)。


close call ( 千鈞一髮,險些錯失 ):

解釋: This phrase describes a situation in which something dangerous or harmful almost happens but is narrowly avoided. It implies that the outcome could have been much worse if circumstances had been slightly different. 用來描述一種危險或有害的情況幾乎發生,但僥倖避免。暗示如果情況稍微不同,結果可能會更糟糕。


  1. It was a close call when the car skidded on the icy road but stopped just inches from the edge of the cliff. 當汽車在冰路上打滑,但僅僅在懸崖邊緣停下幾英寸時,那真是千鈞一髮的情況。

  2. The firefighters arrived in the nick of time to save the family from the burning house; it was a close call, and they were incredibly fortunate. 消防員及時趕到,將這個家庭從燃燒的房子中救出,這真是千鈞一髮,他們非常幸運。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 :可能誤解為字面上的接近呼叫,其實是指幾乎發生危險或災難的情況。


put down ( 放下,記錄,鎮壓 ):

解釋: This phrase has multiple meanings depending on the context. It can mean to physically place something on a surface, to write or record information, or to suppress or quell something, such as an uprising or rebellion. 這個片語根據上下文有多種含義。可以指將物體放在表面上,記錄或記錄信息,或鎮壓或平息某事,如起義或反叛。


  1. Please put down your bags and have a seat while we wait for the train. 請放下你的包,坐下,我們等火車。

  2. The secretary put down the minutes of the meeting in the official record for future reference. 秘書將會議紀錄下來,供日後參考。

  3. The government used military force to put down the rebellion and restore order in the region. 政府動用軍力鎮壓叛亂,恢復了該地區的秩序。


pull off ( 成功完成,辦到 ):

解釋: This phrase means to successfully achieve or accomplish something, often despite challenges or difficulties. It implies a level of skill, effort, or determination required to achieve a particular outcome. 這個片語指的是成功實現或完成某事,通常儘管面臨挑戰或困難。它暗示實現特定結果所需的技能、努力或決心水平。


  1. She managed to pull off the challenging task of organizing a successful charity event within a short timeframe. 她成功完成了短時間內組織一次成功的慈善活動的艱巨任務。

  2. The young athlete pulled off a remarkable victory in the competition, surprising everyone with his talent and determination. 這位年輕運動員在比賽中取得了令人驚訝的勝利,他的才華和決心讓所有人都感到意外。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 :有些人可能誤解為字面上的拉下,其實是指成功實現某事。



1. What does the phrase give birth to mean?

A. To adopt a child.

B. To complete a challenging task.

C. To bring a baby into the world through pregnancy.

D. To make a decision.

2. When you experience a close call, what does it mean?

A. You are physically close to someone.

B. You narrowly avoid a dangerous or harmful situation.

C. You have a personal conversation with someone.

D. You are in a hurry to reach your destination.

3. What is the primary meaning of put down in the context of writing or recording information?

A. To physically lower something to the ground.

B. To suppress or quell a rebellion.

C. To write or record information for reference.

D. To criticize or insult someone.

4. What does it mean when someone pulls off a task or achievement?

A. They fail to accomplish it.

B. They successfully achieve it, often despite challenges.

C. They intentionally delay it.

D. They delegate it to someone else.


  1. C. To bring a baby into the world through pregnancy.

  2. B. You narrowly avoid a dangerous or harmful situation.

  3. C. To write or record information for reference.

  4. B. They successfully achieve it, often despite challenges.

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