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5分鐘英文口語|別煩我,可以說 to get lost

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get lost ( 迷路;消失;滾蛋 ):

解釋: This phrase has multiple meanings depending on the context:

  • To become lost or disoriented in a physical location.

  • To disappear or be unable to be found.

  • As a colloquial expression, it can mean "go away" or "leave me alone" in a dismissive or irritated manner.


  • 在物理位置上迷路或失去方向。

  • 消失或無法找到。

  • 作為口語表達,可以表示以一種不屑或惱怒的方式說 "走開" 或 "別煩我"。


  1. I can't find my keys; they've gotten lost again. 我找不到我的鑰匙;它們又不見了。

  2. He was bothering me, so I told him to get lost. 他一直煩我,所以我告訴他滾蛋。

  3. We got lost in the forest while hiking and had to rely on a map to find our way back. 我們在徒步旅行時迷路了,不得不依靠地圖找到回去的路。

by far (遠遠地;無疑是):

解釋: This phrase is used to emphasize that something is much better, worse, larger, smaller, etc., than anything else in a particular category. It signifies a clear and significant difference. 用於強調某事在特定類別中遠遠優於其他任何事物。表示明顯而重大的差異。


  1. She is by far the most talented singer in the competition. 她無疑是比賽中最有天賦的歌手。

  2. The new smartphone is by far the fastest and most advanced on the market. 這款新智能手機在市場上無疑是最快且最先進的。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 誤解為 "by far" 表示距離的概念,其實強調在某個類別中的優越性


see off (送行;告別):

解釋: This phrase means to accompany someone to a departure point, such as an airport or train station, to say goodbye to them. It can also be used more broadly to mean bidding farewell to someone who is leaving.



  1. We went to the airport to see off our friends who were flying back home. 我們去機場送別了飛回家的朋友。

  2. The whole family gathered to see off their son as he left for college. 整個家庭聚在一起為兒子送行,因為他去上大學了。


be the matter (有問題;出了問題):

解釋: This phrase is used to inquire about or express that something is wrong or not as it should be. It is often used when asking about someone's health or well-being.



  1. You look upset. What's the matter? 你看起來很不高興。出了什麼問題嗎?

  2. She didn't show up for work today; I wonder what the matter is. 她今天沒來上班;我不知道出了什麼問題。



1. What does the phrase by far primarily indicate?

A. A close competition.

B. A clear and significant difference.

C. A distant location.

D. A quick decision.

2. When someone says, "I need to see off my friend at the train station," what are they planning to do?

A. Accompany their friend to the train station to say goodbye.

B. Watch their friend board a train.

C. Visit the train station for fun.

D. Buy a train ticket for their friend.

3. What is the meaning of the phrase get lost in the sentence: "I can't find my phone; it's gotten lost"? A. The phone is ringing loudly.

B. The phone is located nearby.

C. The phone has disappeared or cannot be found.

D. The phone is fully charged.

4. When someone asks, "What's the matter?" they are inquiring about:

A. The physical distance between two objects.

B. A problem or issue.

C. The weather conditions.

D. A joyful event.


  1. B. A clear and significant difference.

  2. A. Accompany their friend to the train station to say goodbye.

  3. C. The phone has disappeared or cannot be found.

  4. B. A problem or issue.

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