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作家相片: Lin Chen XiLin Chen Xi

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eat in / eat out(吃飯在家 / 外出用餐):


"Eat in" 表示在家吃飯,通常指在自己的家中準備或享用食物。

"Eat out" 則指外出用餐,通常是在餐廳、咖啡廳或其他餐飲場所用餐。


  1. We decided to eat in tonight and cook a nice meal at home. 我們決定今晚在家吃飯,自己煮一頓美味的飯菜。

  2. It's been a long week, let's eat out and treat ourselves to a nice dinner. 這是一個漫長的一周,我們去外面吃頓好飯,犒賞一下自己。


cut and dried(事情早已定案 / 無可更改):

解釋: 通常用來形容某事情或情況非常明確、簡單、固定,缺乏變化或爭議性。




  1. The decision to promote Sarah was cut and dried; the boss had already made up his mind. 提升莎拉的決定已經定案;老闆已經下定決心。

  2. By the time they reached a compromise, the plans for the party were already cut and dried. 當他們達成妥協時,派對計劃已經早已定案。

  3. "The rules for this competition are cut and dried; there's no room for interpretation."(這個比賽的規則非常明確,沒有解釋的空間。)

  4. "The procedure for applying for a driver's license is cut and dried; you just need to follow the steps."(申請駕駛執照的程序非常標準,你只需要按照步驟進行。)

  5. "The decision to promote him was cut and dried because he met all the qualifications."(提升他的決定是非常明確的,因為他符合所有資格。)



feel like(感覺像 / 想要):


  1. 想要:最常見的含義是表示某人想要或渴望做某事或擁有某物。例如,"I feel like pizza tonight"(我今晚想吃披薩)。

  2. 感覺像:"feel like" 也可以表示某人感覺或經歷某種情感、情緒或生理狀態。例如,"I feel like I'm coming down with a cold"(我感覺像是要感冒了)。

  3. 類似於:有時,"feel like" 用來比較某人或某物與另一個人或物體的相似性。例如,"This material feels like silk"(這種材料感覺像絲綢)。

  4. 願意:在一些情境中,"feel like" 可以表示某人是否願意做某事。例如,"Do you feel like going for a walk?"(你願意去散步嗎?)

"feel like" 是一個多義的片語,可以表示想要、感覺、願意或比較相似性。



once and for all(一次而永遠 / 結束了一切):

解釋: "Once and for all" 是一個副詞短語,表示做某事一次,以後不再需要再做。它也可以表示結束或解決某事,不再有糾纏或爭議。


  1. I'm going to clean out the garage once and for all this weekend. 這個周末我要把車庫清理一次而且以後不再需要了。

  2. They decided to settle the matter once and for all by signing a contract. 他們決定通過簽署合同來一勞永逸地解決這個問題。

  3. "I'm going to clean out the garage once and for all this weekend."(我打算在這個週末一次性地清理車庫。) - 表示要解決長期存在的車庫混亂問題。

  4. "Let's settle this argument once and for all."(讓我們一次性地解決這場爭論。) - 表示希望最終解決爭論,不再繼續討論。

  5. "She decided to quit her job once and for all and pursue her passion."(她決定一次性地辭掉工作,追求她的熱情。) - 表示她要做出最終的決定,不再從事目前的工作。




1. What does the phrase "cut and dried" mean?

a) Cut something and let it dry

b) Something that is easy to cut

c) A situation that is already decided and cannot be changed

2. Which of the following sentences uses "eat out" correctly?

a) I prefer to eat out because I love cooking at home.

b) We should eat in tonight and try that new restaurant.

c) Eating out is always more expensive than eating at home.

3. "Feel like" can mean both _____.

a) Feeling a physical sensation

b) Wanting to do something

c) Feeling tired and sleepy

4. Choose the correct definition of "once and for all."

a) Repeatedly and indefinitely

b) One time and never again

c) Sometimes but not always


  1. c) A situation that is already decided and cannot be changed

  2. b) We should eat in tonight and try that new restaurant.

  3. b) Wanting to do something

  4. b) One time and never again

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