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5分鐘英文口語|用 tire out 來形容你那爆累感 (16)

作家相片: Lin Chen XiLin Chen Xi


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tire out / wear out(疲累;使筋疲力盡):

解釋: Both phrases refer to the state of extreme exhaustion or fatigue.

  • "Tire out" is often used to describe the act of becoming exhausted.

  • "Wear out" is often used to describe the act of causing someone or something to become exhausted.


  • "Tire out" 常用來描述變得筋疲力盡的行為。

  • "Wear out" 常用來描述使某人或某物變得筋疲力盡的行為。


  1. After running a marathon, she was completely tired out and needed to rest for days. 跑完馬拉松後,她完全筋疲力盡,需要休息幾天。

  2. Taking care of three young children can really wear out even the most energetic parents. 照顧三個年幼的孩子確實會使最有活力的父母筋疲力盡。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能誤解為一般的疲勞,其實是極度的疲憊。


all along(一直以來;自始至終):

解釋: This phrase indicates that something has been true or happening from the beginning and continues to be true throughout a period of time. It emphasizes the continuity of a situation or condition.




  1. She suspected that he had known about the surprise party all along. 她懷疑他從一開始就知道驚喜派對的事情。

  2. The solution to the problem was in front of us all along, but we didn't see it until now. 解決問題的方法一直在我們面前,但我們直到現在才看到它。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能誤解為只是指一個時間點上的情況,而不是從一開始到結束的整個過程。


come up with(想出;提出):

解釋: This phrase means to produce or generate an idea, solution, or suggestion. It is often used when someone is asked to provide a creative or innovative response to a problem or challenge.




  1. The team had to come up with a new marketing strategy to attract more customers. 團隊必須提出一個新的營銷策略,以吸引更多客戶。

  2. Can you come up with a name for our new product that is both catchy and memorable? 你能想出一個既引人注目又難忘的新產品名稱嗎?

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能誤解為只是指尋找已存在的答案,而不是創造新的想法或解決方案。


put on(穿上;戴上):

解釋: This phrase is used when referring to the action of wearing clothing or accessories. It can also mean to apply makeup.




  1. She decided to put on her favorite dress for the special occasion. 她決定在這個特殊場合穿上她最喜歡的裙子。

  2. He always takes a long time to put on his makeup before going out in the evening. 他總是花很長時間在晚上外出前化妝。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能誤解為只是指放置物品,而不是穿戴或化妝。



  1. What does the phrase "all along" emphasize? a. A sudden change. b. Continuity from the beginning to the end. c. A secret plan.

  2. Which of the following phrases means "to become exhausted"? a. Take out b. Tire out c. Talk over

  3. What does it mean when someone is asked to "come up with" an idea? a. To keep the idea to themselves. b. To produce or generate an idea or solution. c. To reject the idea.

  4. When would you use the phrase "put on"? a. When referring to the action of wearing clothing or accessories. b. When describing the act of finding a solution. c. When indicating the end of something.


  1. b. Continuity from the beginning to the end.

  2. b. Tire out

  3. b. To produce or generate an idea or solution.

  4. a. When referring to the action of wearing clothing or accessories.


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