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作家相片: Lin Chen XiLin Chen Xi

語言學習都可以透過chatGPT來做更好的解釋翻譯與使用,另外也可以出考題,讓自己每日學習有所回饋,讓我們今天跟學一下常見的英文片語吧 ! !



Clear a space (清理空間):

解釋: The phrase "clear a space" means to tidy up or make room in a specific area by removing objects or clutter. It is often used when you need to create an organized or unobstructed area for a particular purpose.

片語「clear a space」指的是通過移除物品或雜亂來整理或為特定區域腾出空間。



  1. Before starting the art project, they had to clear a space on the table by putting away all the books and papers. 在開始藝術項目之前,他們必須將書本和文件都收起來,以在桌子上騰出空間。

  2. The garage was so cluttered that they spent the entire weekend clearing a space for their new workshop. 車庫非常亂,以至於他們花了整個週末的時間為他們的新工作室騰出空間。


Clear name (恢復名譽):

解釋: The phrase "clear name" means to prove one's innocence or remove any suspicion or blame associated with a wrongdoing. It implies the restoration of one's reputation and honor.

片語「clear name」指的是證明某人的清白,或消除與某一不當行為相關的任何懷疑或指責。它意味著恢復某人的聲譽和榮譽。


  1. After years of investigation, new evidence emerged that helped him clear his name and overturn his wrongful conviction. 經過多年的調查,出現了新的證據,幫助他洗清了名譽,並推翻了他的冤罪定罪。

  2. She was determined to clear her name and prove that she had not been involved in any wrongdoing. 她決心洗清自己的名譽,並證明自己沒有參與任何不當行為。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 為「clear name」名字變得清晰,其實是恢復名譽。


Clear something with someone (與某人核實/確認某事):

解釋: The phrase "clear something with someone" means to seek permission, approval, or confirmation from someone regarding a particular matter or action. It involves obtaining consent or making sure that the decision is acceptable to the other party.

片語「clear something with someone」指的是尋求某人對特定事情或行動的許可、批准或確認。涉及獲得同意,或確保對方接受決定。


  1. Before making any major changes to the project, he decided to clear it with his supervisor to ensure it aligned with company goals. 在對項目進行任何重大變更之前,他決定與主管核實,以確保與公司目標一致。

  2. She always clears her travel plans with her husband to make sure they don't have any conflicting commitments. 她總是與丈夫確認她的旅行計劃,以確保他們沒有任何衝突的安排。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 為「clear something with someone」表示將某物清除或擦拭,其實是指取得許可或確認某事



1. What does the phrase "clear a space" mean?

A. To make the air clear

B. To clean a specific area by removing objects

C. To create a messy environment

D. To arrange furniture

2. What is the meaning of "clear name"?

A. Having a name that is easy to pronounce

B. To remove dirt from a name

C. To prove one's innocence and restore one's reputation

D. To change one's legal name

3. When someone says they need to "clear something with someone," what are they referring to?

A. They need to physically clear a space with someone's help.

B. They need to remove something with someone.

C. They need to seek permission or confirmation from someone regarding a matter.

D. They need to have a conversation with someone about the weather.

4. What does the phrase "clear one's throat" mean?

A. To make one's voice louder

B. To remove something stuck in one's throat

C. To prepare to speak by coughing lightly

D. To sing a song clearly


1: B. To clean a specific area by removing objects

2: C. To prove one's innocence and restore one's reputation

3: C. They need to seek permission or confirmation from someone regarding a matter.

4: C. To prepare to speak by coughing lightly

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