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5分鐘英文口語| bite off 除了咬下有甚麼意思嗎?

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bite off (咬下;接受責任或挑戰;承擔過多):


  • 當用作及物動詞時,表示咬下或咬斷某物。

  • 當用於口語或書面語中,表示接受責任、挑戰或承擔過多的事情,通常用於表達一個難以處理或負擔的狀況。


  1. He bit off a large piece of the sandwich and enjoyed every bite. 他咬下了三明治的一大口,每一口都很享受。

  2. She bit off more than she could chew by taking on two part-time jobs while studying full-time. 她在全日上學的同時,接受了兩份兼職工作,處於難以應付的情況。


bring up (提出;養育;教育):


  • 當用作及物動詞時,表示提出或引入某個主題、問題或建議。

  • 當用作及物動詞時,表示撫養、養育或培養孩子。

  • 當用作及物動詞時,表示教育或培養某人的特定行為或習慣。


  1. She brought up an interesting point during the meeting. 她在會議中提出了一個有趣的觀點。

  2. They've done an excellent job of bringing up their children. 他們把孩子們撫養得非常好。

  3. Her parents brought her up to be polite and respectful. 她的父母教育她要有禮貌,尊重他人。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 可能誤解 "bring up" 僅表示提出,其實也可以指撫養或培養。


in vain (白白地;無效地):

解釋: 這個片語表示某事嘗試或努力,但最終失敗或沒有實現預期目標。它用來強調一個努力或行動是徒勞無功的。


  1. He tried in vain to fix the broken computer, but it still wouldn't work. 他努力修理壞掉的電腦,但仍然無法正常運作。

  2. She searched in vain for her lost keys, but they were nowhere to be found. 她白白地尋找她丟失的鑰匙,但找不到它們的蹤跡。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : "in vain" 僅表示沒有成功,其實是指嘗試或努力是徒勞的。


be in the way (妨礙;擋道):

解釋: 這個片語指的是某物或某人的存在或位置阻礙了其他事物的進行或其他人的通行。它通常表示某人或某物處在不恰當的位置或造成困擾。


  1. Your backpack is in the way; please move it so others can pass. 你的背包擋住了路,請移開它,以便其他人可以通過。

  2. Don't let your personal problems be in the way of your success at work. 別讓個人問題妨礙你在工作上的成功。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : "be in the way" 僅表示身體阻礙,也可以表示其他事物或情況的妨礙。



1. What does the phrase bring up primarily mean when used as a verb?

A. To pick up something from the ground.

B. To introduce or mention a topic.

C. To carry something to a higher place.

D. To eat a meal.

2. If someone's efforts to find their lost keys were in vain, what does that mean?

A. They found their keys easily.

B. They failed to find their keys despite trying.

C. They found someone else's keys.

D. They gave up looking for their keys.

3. What does it mean when you say, "You're in the way"? A. You are blocking someone's path or hindering them.

B. You are helping someone.

C. You are telling someone they are doing well.

D. You are offering assistance.

4. If someone says, "I tried to complete the project, but it was too much; I bit off more than I could chew," what are they expressing?

A. They easily completed the project.

B. The project was not challenging enough.

C. They took on a task that was too difficult or too much to handle.

D. They successfully managed their workload.


  1. B. To introduce or mention a topic.

  2. B. They failed to find their keys despite trying.

  3. A. You are blocking someone's path or hindering them.

  4. C. They took on a task that was too difficult or too much to handle.

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