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5分鐘AI英文片語| “draw the line at” 不是畫出一條線?! (1)

作家相片: Lin Chen XiLin Chen Xi



1. behind one's back(在某人背後):

釋義: 這個片語意味著在某人不知情的情況下做某事或說某事。


英文:He was talking about me behind my back.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能會誤解這個片語,認為它意味著在某人的背後,實際上它更強調的是秘密或未經允許地做事情。


2. talk back to(對某人頂嘴):

釋義: 這指的是回應某人的指示或批評,通常是不尊重或不禮貌的方式。


英文:It's not acceptable for children to talk back to their parents.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能誤解為與某人有互相的對話,但實際上是指不尊重地反駁或回應。


3. be in(參加 / 在場):

釋義: 這表示參加某個活動或在某個地方。


英文:Are you going to be in the meeting tomorrow?


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能會誤解為"在"某處,但在這個片語中更重要的是參加或參與。


4. be out(外出或不在場):

釋義: 這表示某人不在特定的地方,通常是因為外出或不在場。


英文:Sorry, she's out of the office right now.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能誤解為"出去"的字面意思,但在這個片語中意味著不在場。


5. draw the line at(在某事上劃界限):

釋義: 這表示決定不再接受或忍受某事,達到自己的極限。


英文:I'll help you move, but I draw the line at carrying the piano.


英文:The museum allowed visitors to touch some of the sculptures, but they drew the line at touching the priceless ancient artifacts.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能誤解為實際畫出一條線,但它實際上是指制定某事的極限。


6. get out of line / step out of line(不守規矩):

釋義: 這表示不遵守規則或行為不當。


英文:The student got out of line and was sent to the principal's office.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能誤解為真的踏出一條線,但它實際上是指不守規則或行為不當。


7. dry run(預演 / 排練):

釋義: 這是指排練或預演某個計劃或程序,以便在實際執行前進行測試。


英文:We should do a dry run of the presentation before the conference.



8. play by ear(隨機應變):

釋義: 這表示根據情況隨機應變,而不是按照固定的計劃或安排。


英文:We'll play the rest of the trip by ear and see where we end up.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能誤解為以耳朵彈奏音樂,但它實際上是一個比喻,表示隨機應變。


9. be in someone's shoes(身臨其境,理解某人的處境):

來源背景: 這表示試圖理解並感同身受某人的處境或經歷。


英文:Before you judge her, try to be in her shoes for a moment.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能誤解為實際穿上某人的鞋子,但它實際上是指情感上的理解和共鳴。


10.keep after(繼續催促或監管):

來源背景: 這指的是持續監督或要求某人完成某事。


英文:I have to keep after my kids to do their homework.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能誤解為保持身後跟隨,但它實際上是一種監督和要求的行為。


11. fix up(整理,修復或安排):

來源背景: 這可以指整理或修復某物,也可以指安排或準備某事。


英文:I need to fix up my old bicycle.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 有時人們可能誤解為僅僅是修理或整理,但它也可以指安排或準備某事。 had(受騙):

來源背景: 這表示被欺騙或受騙。


英文:Don't trust him; you're being had.


X 常被誤會的錯誤意思: 這個片語的意思相對直接,不容易被誤解。它指的是被騙或受欺騙的情況。



1. What does the phrase "draw the line at" mean?

a) To draw a picture of a line

b) To establish a limit or boundary

c) To follow a predetermined path

2. Which of the following phrases means "to participate or be present"?

a) Talk back to

b) Be in

c) Get out of line

3.What is the opposite of "keep after"?

a) Keep to the subject

b) Keep quiet

c) Stop reminding or urging

4. When someone says, "He talked about me behind my back," what does it mean?

a) He discussed something openly with me.

b) He said something negative about me when I wasn't present.

c) He complimented me in front of others.

5. Which phrase means "to understand and empathize with someone's situation"?

a) Be had

b) Be in someone's shoes

c) Keep the change

6. What is the correct interpretation of "play by ear"?

a) To play a musical instrument without sheet music

b) To adapt to circumstances without a fixed plan

c) To follow a strict schedule

7. If someone is "out of line," what are they doing?

a) Standing in a queue

b) Behaving improperly or breaking rules

c) Following instructions carefully

8. Which phrase implies "to secretly do something without someone's knowledge"?

a) Talk back to

b) Behind one's back

c) Draw the line at

9. If someone says, "I need to fix up my old car," what are they planning to do?

a) Paint the car a different color

b) Arrange a date to meet friends

c) Repair and improve the condition of the car

10. What is the meaning of "clear name"?

a) To erase one's identity

b) To prove one's innocence and restore reputation

c) To have a name that is easy to understand



  1. b) To establish a limit or boundary

  2. b) Be in

  3. c) Stop reminding or urging

  4. b) He said something negative about me when I wasn't present.

  5. b) Be in someone's shoes

  6. b) To adapt to circumstances without a fixed plan

  7. b) Behaving improperly or breaking rules

  8. b) Behind one's back

  9. c) Repair and improve the condition of the car

  10. b) To prove one's innocence and restore reputation

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