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ESG投資的未來:Salesforce 可持續發展雲的影響

作家相片: Carl ParrishCarl Parrish


Salesforce 可持續發展雲:轉變 ESG 管理

在當今全球企業界,對於環境、社會和治理(ESG)問題的關注愈發增長,投資者、消費者和監管機構都在迫切要求企業更積極地關注可持續性和社會責任,在這個變革的浪潮中,Salesforce(賽富思)以其可持續發展雲(Sustainability Cloud)正成為引領企業ESG管理的革命性力量。



Salesforce 可持續發展雲:數據的力量


  1. 數據整合: 可持續發展雲能夠整合來自多個來源的數據,包括能源使用、碳排放、社會影響等,這種數據整合提供了全面的ESG數據圖景。

  2. 分析和報告: 平台內置了高級分析工具,可幫助企業深入瞭解其ESG性能,並生成符合監管要求的報告,不僅幫助企業遵守法規,還有助於提高透明度,滿足利益相關者的需求。

  3. 預測性分析: 可持續發展雲的預測性分析功能允許企業預測未來的ESG趨勢,從而更好地制定戰略和目標。

為什麼 Salesforce 可持續發展雲如此重要?

這一平台的重要性在於它為企業提供了實現ESG目標的關鍵工具,隨著ESG越來越受到投資者和消費者的關注,企業需要能夠追踪、評估和改進其可持續性表現,並提供可靠的數據證據,Salesforce 可持續發展雲不僅為企業提供了這些能力,還加速了ESG管理的轉型,從單純的合規性遵守到戰略性的可持續性管理。

Salesforce 可持續發展雲(Salesforce Sustainability Cloud)是Salesforce公司開發的一個專為企業和組織設計的雲端平台,旨在協助它們更有效地管理和提升環境、社會和治理(ESG)的可持續性表現,主要功能和目標如下:

  1. 數據整合和集中管理: Salesforce 可持續發展雲允許企業集中整合各種來源的ESG數據,包括能源使用、碳排放、社會影響和治理數據,有助於建立一個全面的ESG數據庫,並實現更好的數據可視化。

  2. 高級數據分析: 該平台提供先進的數據分析工具,使企業能夠深入瞭解其ESG性能,可以生成視覺化報告和圖表,幫助企業發現趨勢、識別問題和制定改進策略。

  3. 監管遵守和報告: Salesforce 可持續發展雲支持企業滿足ESG相關的監管要求,並能夠生成符合標準的報告,以向利益相關者展示企業的可持續性表現。

  4. 預測性分析: 這個平台具有預測性分析功能,允許企業預測未來的ESG趨勢,幫助他們更好地制定長期戰略和目標。

  5. 社會責任管理: Salesforce 可持續發展雲有助於企業有效管理社會責任項目,如社區參與、多樣性和人權問題。

  6. 透明度和共享: 這個平台提供透明的數據共享和合作功能,使內部和外部利益相關者能夠更好地理解企業的可持續性努力。

Salesforce 可持續發展雲的目標是使企業能夠更好地管理、評估和提高其ESG性能,從而實現可持續性目標並滿足不斷增長的利益相關者需求,功能設計旨在使ESG管理更加直觀和高效,同時提供數據驅動的洞察,以支持更具策略性的可持續性決策。

  1. 風險管理: ESG管理幫助企業識別、評估和管理與環境、社會和治理相關的風險,包括氣候變化、法規遵循、供應鏈問題、職業健康和安全等方面的風險,有效的ESG管理有助於減少潛在的法律、金融和聲譽風險。

  2. 投資者需求: 越來越多的投資者將ESG因素納入其投資決策過程中,企業積極關注ESG管理有助於吸引更多的社會責任投資者,增加股東價值並改善股價表現。

  3. 消費者期望: 消費者日益關心企業的可持續性實踐,企業積極參與ESG管理可以滿足消費者對產品和服務的可持續性期望,增強品牌忠誠度。

  4. 品牌聲譽: 良好的ESG表現有助於建立企業的品牌聲譽,企業被認為對環境和社會負責任的形象更有吸引力,這有助於在市場上贏得競爭優勢。

  5. 創新和成本節省: ESG管理可以促使企業尋找創新方式來提高能源效率、減少浪費和節省成本,創新有助於提高競爭力和可持續性。

  6. 社會責任: 企業在社會中的角色不僅僅是賺錢,還包括對社會和環境的負責任,ESG管理是實現社會責任的一種方式,有助於改善社會狀況,促進可持續發展。

Salesforce 可持續發展雲已經在多個企業中成功應用,幫助它們改進ESG管理,提高可持續性表現,並實現更高的社會影響,下面為實際案例展示了這個平台的實際價值:

  1. Coca-Cola(可口可樂公司): 可口可樂公司使用Salesforce 可持續發展雲來追踪其全球可持續性數據,包括水資源管理、碳排放、社區參與等,公司能夠更好地管理其可持續性目標,並在全球范圍內提供透明度,以回應消費者和投資者的需求。

  2. Unilever(聯合利華): 聯合利華是一家以可持續性為核心的企業,他們利用Salesforce 可持續發展雲來協助管理其供應鏈中的可持續性數據,包括追踪供應商的環境和社會表現,確保產品的可持續性和透明度。

  3. Siemens(西門子): 西門子是一家全球工業科技公司,他們使用Salesforce 可持續發展雲來管理和報告其ESG數據,有助於西門子確保其在能源效率、可再生能源和清潔技術方面的領先地位,並滿足投資者和客戶的需求。

  4. Hewlett Packard Enterprise(惠普企業): 惠普企業使用Salesforce 可持續發展雲來跟蹤其全球ESG進展,包括碳中和目標、數字平等等方面,有助於該公司實現可持續性目標,同時提高內部和外部的可持續性報告。

Salesforce 可持續發展雲被認為是重要的ESG(環境、社會、治理)工具,因為它提供了一系列獨特的價值和對企業的積極影響:
  1. 全面性和整合性: 這個平台能夠整合來自多個來源的ESG數據,包括環境、社會和治理方面的數據,並建立全面性的ESG數據庫,整合性是ESG管理的關鍵,幫助企業獲得完整的數據圖景。

  2. 高級數據分析: Salesforce 可持續發展雲具有先進的數據分析工具,能夠深入瞭解企業的ESG性能,不僅包括報告和指標,還包括預測性分析,幫助企業預測未來的趨勢,制定策略和目標。

  3. 監管遵守和報告: 這個平台支持企業滿足ESG相關的監管要求,並能夠生成符合標準的報告,以向監管機構和利益相關者展示企業的可持續性表現,提高了透明度,降低了風險。

  4. 社會責任管理: Salesforce 可持續發展雲還支持企業管理其社會責任項目,包括社區參與、多樣性和人權問題,有助於企業實現社會責任目標。

  5. 數據共享和透明度: 這個平台提供數據共享和合作功能,允許企業內部和外部利益相關者更好地理解其ESG努力,透明度有助於建立信任,提高品牌忠誠度。

  6. 提高競爭力: 透過ESG管理,企業可以提高其競爭力,符合ESG標準的企業更有可能吸引投資者、消費者和合作夥伴,並在市場上佔據優勢地位。

Salesforce 可持續發展雲的獨特價值在於它提供了一個全面、整合和高級的平台,協助企業更好地理解、評估和改善其ESG性能,有助於企業實現可持續性目標,滿足投資者、消費者和監管機構的需求,提高品牌聲譽,同時降低風險。因此,Salesforce 可持續發展雲在ESG管理領域被視為一個不可或缺的工具,有助於企業實現長期成功和社會貢獻。




In today's global business landscape, the focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues is growing exponentially. Investors, consumers, and regulatory bodies are all urgently demanding that companies take a more proactive stance on sustainability and social responsibility. In this wave of transformation, Salesforce's Sustainability Cloud is emerging as a revolutionary force leading ESG management in enterprises.

A New Era of Sustainability

Sustainability is no longer just one aspect of corporate social responsibility; it's now a comprehensive strategic agenda. ESG assessments encompass not only environmental protection but also social justice, diversity, and governance standards. Companies require more data, deeper analysis, and more efficient management tools to address this challenge effectively.

Salesforce Sustainability Cloud: The Power of Data

Salesforce's Sustainability Cloud is an innovative data and analytics platform designed to help businesses make breakthroughs in the ESG domain. Key features include:

  • Data Integration: Sustainability Cloud can integrate data from various sources, including energy usage, carbon emissions, social impact, and more, providing a comprehensive ESG data landscape.

  • Analysis and Reporting: The platform includes advanced analytical tools to help companies gain deep insights into their ESG performance and generate reports that comply with regulatory requirements, enhancing compliance and transparency.

  • Predictive Analytics: Sustainability Cloud's predictive analytics capabilities allow companies to forecast future ESG trends, enabling better strategic planning and goal-setting.

Why Salesforce Sustainability Cloud Matters

This platform's significance lies in its provision of essential tools for companies to achieve ESG goals. As ESG garners increasing attention from investors and consumers, companies need to track, assess, and improve their sustainability performance while providing reliable data evidence. Salesforce Sustainability Cloud not only offers these capabilities but also accelerates the transformation of ESG management from mere compliance to strategic sustainability management.

The Importance of ESG Management for Enterprises

Several key reasons emphasize the importance of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) management for companies:

  • Risk Management: ESG management helps companies identify, assess, and mitigate risks related to the environment, society, and governance, including climate change, regulatory compliance, supply chain issues, occupational health and safety, reducing potential legal, financial, and reputational risks.

  • Investor Demand: An increasing number of investors incorporate ESG factors into their investment decision-making. Proactive ESG management attracts socially responsible investors, increases shareholder value, and improves stock performance.

  • Consumer Expectations: Consumers are increasingly concerned about a company's sustainability practices. Active engagement in ESG management can meet consumer expectations for sustainable products and services, enhancing brand loyalty.

  • Brand Reputation: Strong ESG performance helps build a company's brand reputation. Companies seen as socially and environmentally responsible are more attractive, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

  • Innovation and Cost Savings: ESG management encourages companies to find innovative ways to improve energy efficiency, reduce waste, and cut costs. Innovation enhances competitiveness and sustainability.

  • Social Responsibility: Companies play a role in society beyond profit-making. ESG management is a way to fulfill social responsibility, improving societal conditions and promoting sustainable development.

Real-World Value of Salesforce Sustainability Cloud

Salesforce Sustainability Cloud has successfully been applied in multiple companies, helping them enhance ESG management, improve sustainability performance, and achieve a greater social impact. The following real-world cases demonstrate the tangible value of this platform:

  • Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola uses Salesforce Sustainability Cloud to track its global sustainability data, including water resource management, carbon emissions, community engagement, and more. The company can better manage its sustainability goals and provide transparency on a global scale to respond to consumer and investor demands.

  • Unilever: Unilever, a sustainability-focused company, leverages Salesforce Sustainability Cloud to manage sustainability data within its supply chain, including tracking supplier environmental and social performance, ensuring product sustainability and transparency.

  • Siemens: Siemens, a global industrial technology company, uses Salesforce Sustainability Cloud to manage and report its ESG data, helping Siemens maintain its leadership position in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean technology. This meets the demands of investors and customers.

  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Hewlett Packard Enterprise utilizes Salesforce Sustainability Cloud to monitor its global ESG progress, including carbon neutrality goals, digital equality initiatives, and more. This helps the company achieve sustainability objectives and enhance internal and external sustainability reporting.

Salesforce Sustainability Cloud is considered a vital tool in the realm of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) management due to the unique value it offers and its positive impact on companies:

  • Comprehensiveness and Integration: The platform can integrate ESG data from various sources, covering environmental, social, and governance aspects, establishing a comprehensive ESG data repository. Integration is key to ESG management, helping companies gain a holistic data picture.

  • Advanced Data Analysis: Salesforce Sustainability Cloud includes advanced data analytics tools that enable companies to delve deep into their ESG performance. This encompasses not only reporting and metrics but also predictive analytics, assisting companies in forecasting future trends for better strategic decision-making.

  • Regulatory Compliance and Reporting: The platform supports companies in meeting ESG-related regulatory requirements and can generate reports that adhere to standards, showcasing a company's sustainability performance to regulatory bodies and stakeholders, thereby enhancing transparency.

  • Social Responsibility Management: Salesforce Sustainability Cloud also aids companies in efficiently managing social responsibility initiatives such as community engagement, diversity, and human rights issues, contributing to social responsibility goals.

  • Data Sharing and Transparency: The platform facilitates data sharing and collaboration, allowing both internal and external stakeholders to better understand a company's sustainability efforts. Transparency builds trust and enhances brand loyalty.

  • Enhanced Competitiveness: Through ESG management, companies can enhance their competitiveness. Companies meeting ESG standards are more likely to attract investors, consumers, and partners, gaining a competitive advantage in the market.

Salesforce Sustainability Cloud's unique value lies in providing a comprehensive, integrated, and advanced platform that assists companies in understanding, assessing, and improving their ESG performance. This aids companies in achieving sustainability goals, meeting the demands of investors, consumers, and regulatory bodies, enhancing brand reputation, and reducing risks. Therefore, Salesforce Sustainability Cloud is considered an indispensable tool in the field of ESG management, supporting long-term success and societal contributions by companies.


Salesforce의 지속가능성 클라우드: ESG 관리의 변화

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