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遊戲開發Unity's Raycast 掌握光線投射技術

作家相片: Edgar MuellerEdgar Mueller



1. 射線投射的基本原理

1.1. 射線投射概述


1.2. Raycast和RaycastAll

  • Raycast: 使用Raycast方法,我們可以從一個點發射一條射線,並檢測是否與目標物體碰撞,返回一個碰撞信息,包含碰撞點、法向量等。

  • RaycastAll: 類似於Raycast,但它返回所有碰撞的物體信息,而不僅僅是第一個碰撞物體。

2. 射線投射的應用

2.1. 碰撞偵測


2.2. 物體互動


2.3. 瞄準系統


3. 提升射線投射的效能和精確性

3.1. 物理圖層和Mask


3.2. 射線長度和方向


3.3. 碰撞回調


4. 創造更真實的遊戲世界


  1. 遊戲設計師: 遊戲設計師可以使用Unity射線投射技術實現碰撞偵測、互動性和準確的射擊機制,從而創造更具挑戰性和娛樂性的遊戲。

  2. 3D藝術家: 3D藝術家可以透過射線投射技術實現虛擬世界中物體的交互性和可操作性,為遊戲環境增添真實感。

  3. 虛擬實境(VR)開發者: VR開發者可以使用射線投射技術為VR遊戲和應用創建更具身臨其境感的互動體驗。

  4. 教育應用開發者: 在教育領域,射線投射技術可以用於創建互動式的虛擬學習環境,使學習過程更加生動和具有參與感。


  • Unreal Engine的射線投射技術: Unreal Engine也提供了強大的射線投射技術,用於碰撞偵測、互動性和瞄準等遊戲開發中。

  • Godot Engine的射線投射功能: Godot Engine是另一款開源的遊戲引擎,也支援射線投射技術,供遊戲開發者使用。

  1. 靈活性和精確性: Unity的射線投射技術能夠實現高精度的碰撞偵測和互動性,讓遊戲充滿挑戰性。

  2. 適用於多個領域: 除了遊戲開發,Unity的射線投射技術也適用於虛擬實境、教育、模擬等多個領域。

  3. 即時渲染和回饋: 射線投射技術可以提供即時的碰撞偵測和交互效果,使玩家獲得即時的回饋。

  4. 可自定義性: 開發者可以根據項目需求調整射線的長度、方向和碰撞偵測範圍,實現多樣化的效果。

  5. 支援虛擬實境: Unity的射線投射技術支援虛擬實境,使玩家能夠在虛擬世界中進行精確的互動。




  1. 確定射線的起點和方向: 當玩家按下射擊按鈕時,我們會根據玩家的視點和武器位置來計算射線的起點和方向。

  2. 使用Raycast方法進行射線投射: 我們使用Unity的Raycast方法,發射一條射線從武器位置向前,檢測射線是否與敵人碰撞。

  3. 碰撞偵測和命中判斷: 如果射線與敵人碰撞,Raycast方法會返回碰撞信息,我們可以根據這些信息判斷玩家是否命中了敵人。

  4. 觸發射擊效果: 如果射擊命中,我們可以播放射擊特效,並根據命中位置計算傷害。


  • 《Counter-Strike: Global Offensive》(CS:GO): CS:GO是一款知名的多人射擊遊戲,其中的射擊和碰撞偵測就使用了射線投射技術,玩家可以進行準確的瞄準和射擊,並在遊戲中體驗真實的槍戰。

  • 《Overwatch》: 這款多人射擊遊戲也使用射線投射技術來實現玩家的準確射擊,同時可以檢測碰撞和命中情況。

  • 虛擬實境(VR)遊戲: 許多VR遊戲使用射線投射技術,讓玩家能夠使用虛擬手中的控制器準確地進行交互和互動,如拾取物品、觸發開關等。



Raycasting in Unity: Enhancing Game Interactivity and Realism

Raycasting in Unity: Enhancing Game Interactivity and Realism

In game development, collision detection and interactivity are essential elements, and Unity's raycasting technology provides game designers with a powerful tool to achieve precise collision detection in the virtual world, creating more realistic and interactive gaming experiences.

1. Basic Principles of Raycasting

1.1. Overview of Raycasting Raycasting is a collision detection technique that simulates an infinitely small line segment to determine whether there is a collision object in a specific direction.

1.2. Raycast and RaycastAll

  • Raycast: Using the Raycast method, we can cast a ray from a point and check for collisions with target objects, returning collision information, including collision point and normal vector.

  • RaycastAll: Similar to Raycast, but it returns information about all colliding objects, not just the first one.

2. Applications of Raycasting

2.1. Collision Detection Raycasting is commonly used for collision detection, such as checking if a character collides with the ground or if a character can pass through a door.

2.2. Object Interaction We can use raycasting to determine if a player has clicked on an object, enabling object interaction like opening a box or pressing a button.

2.3. Aiming Systems Raycasting is often used in aiming systems in games, such as aiming weapons in shooting games or rendering aiming assist lines.

3. Improving Raycasting Efficiency and Precision

3.1. Physics Layers and Masks By setting physics layers and masks, we can specify that raycasting should only detect specific objects, enhancing efficiency and precision.

3.2. Ray Length and Direction We can adjust the ray's length and direction based on requirements to ensure it covers the desired detection area.

3.3. Collision Callbacks Unity provides collision callback functions that can trigger corresponding handling code when a ray detects a collision.

4. Creating a More Realistic Game World Unity's raycasting technology allows us to achieve precise collision detection and interactivity in games, resulting in a more realistic and immersive game world. By utilizing Raycast and RaycastAll methods, we can make game elements more detailed, player interactions more natural, and add depth and richness to the game.

Audience Attracted to Unity's Raycasting Technology:

  • Game Designers: Game designers can use Unity's raycasting technology for collision detection, interactivity, and accurate shooting mechanics to create more challenging and entertaining games.

  • 3D Artists: 3D artists can use raycasting to add interactivity and operability to objects in the virtual world, enhancing the game environment's realism.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) Developers: VR developers can use raycasting technology to create immersive interactive experiences for VR games and applications.

  • Educational Application Developers: In the education sector, raycasting technology can be used to create interactive virtual learning environments, making the learning process more vivid and engaging.

Other Related Homogeneous Product Services:

  • Raycasting in Unreal Engine: Unreal Engine also offers powerful raycasting technology for collision detection, interactivity, and aiming in game development.

  • Raycasting Features in Godot Engine: Godot Engine, another open-source game engine, supports raycasting technology for game developers.

Key Features of Unity's Raycasting Technology:

  • Flexibility and Precision: Unity's raycasting technology achieves high-precision collision detection and interactivity, adding challenge to games.

  • Applicability Across Multiple Fields: Besides game development, Unity's raycasting technology is suitable for virtual reality, education, simulations, and more.

  • Real-time Rendering and Feedback: Raycasting provides real-time collision detection and interaction effects, giving players immediate feedback.

  • Customizability: Developers can adjust ray length, direction, and collision detection range to achieve diverse effects.

  • VR Support: Unity's raycasting technology supports virtual reality, enabling precise interactions in virtual worlds.

Unity's raycasting technology is not limited to the gaming industry; it can be applied across various fields, offering high-precision collision detection and interactivity, enriching experiences in different applications.

Concrete Examples of Using Unity's Raycasting Technology: Suppose we are developing a first-person shooter game where players need to aim and shoot accurately. Unity's raycasting technology can be used to achieve this feature:

  1. Determine the starting point and direction of the ray when the player presses the shooting button, based on their viewpoint and weapon position.

  2. Use the Raycast method to cast a ray forward from the weapon position and check for collisions with enemies.

  3. Detect collisions and hits: If the ray collides with an enemy, the Raycast method will return collision information. We can use this information to determine if the player has hit an enemy.

  4. Trigger shooting effects: If a shot hits, we can play shooting effects and calculate damage based on the hit location.

In this way, players can engage in precise shooting, accurately projecting rays into the game world, and increasing the game's interactivity and challenge.

Other Notable Examples:

  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO): A popular multiplayer shooting game that uses raycasting for precise aiming and collision detection, providing players with a realistic gunfight experience.

  • Overwatch: This multiplayer shooting game also utilizes raycasting for accurate player shooting while detecting collisions and hits.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) Games: Many VR games use raycasting to enable players to interact accurately with virtual objects using VR controllers, such as picking up items or triggering switches.

These games demonstrate how Unity's raycasting technology allows players to engage in precise collision detection and interaction in a virtual world, enhancing the overall gaming experience.


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