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NASA的韋伯太空望遠鏡展示了迄今為止對天王星最詳細的影像,揭示了精緻細節中的風暴和長達21年的冬季。NASA's Webb Space Telescope shows off its most detailed image of Uranus yet, revealing storms and a 21-year-long winter in exquisite detail

Paul Squire,Morgan McFall-Johnsen


這張對天王星行星的新肖像呈現出令人驚訝的細節,顯示了為何NASA的詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠鏡在宇宙中無與倫比。Surprising details in this new portrait of the planet Uranus show why NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is unmatched in the cosmos.

The James Webb Space Telescope's new portrait of Uranus show the planet's rings and polar clouds like never before.NASA, ESA, CSA, Space Telescope Science Institute <ul><li>NASA's James Webb Space T…

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