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Dry out / Sober up (戒酒,清醒):
"Dry out" refers to abstaining from alcohol or drugs to overcome addiction or regain sobriety.
"Sober up" means to become less intoxicated or to regain a clear and rational state of mind after drinking alcohol.
「Dry out」指的是戒除酒精或毒品,以克服成癮或恢復清醒。
「Sober up」意味著在飲酒後變得不那麼醉酒,或者在喝酒後恢復清晰和理智的思維狀態。
After years of alcohol abuse, he decided to dry out and get his life back on track. 多年的酒精濫用後,他決定戒酒,重新過上正軌的生活。
She needed to sober up quickly before driving home, so she drank a lot of water and waited for a while. 她需要在開車回家前迅速清醒,所以她喝了很多水,等了一會兒。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : "dry out" 的意思是停止濫用某種物質或戒除某種壞習慣,而不僅僅是讓某物變乾。
Fool around / Goof off / Goof around (閒蕩,浪費時間):
解釋: These phrases are used to describe engaging in unproductive or idle activities when one should be working or focusing on something important. It implies wasting time in a playful or frivolous manner.
Instead of studying for the exam, they decided to goof off and play video games all day. 他們決定整天不學習,而是放蕩地打電子遊戲,而不是準備考試。
We can't afford to fool around at work; we have strict deadlines to meet. 我們不能在工作中浪費時間,我們有嚴格的截止日期要達到。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「fool around / goof off / goof around」是開玩笑或嬉戲,其實指在不應該的時間做無用的事情。
Beat around the bush (拐彎抹角,不坦率):
解釋: The phrase "beat around the bush" means to avoid addressing a topic directly or to speak in a vague or evasive manner. It implies a lack of straightforwardness or honesty in communication. 片語「beat around the bush」指的是避免直接處理一個話題,或者以模糊或回避的方式講話。它意味著在溝通中缺乏坦率或誠實。
Instead of answering the question, he kept beating around the bush, making it hard to understand his point. 他一直拐彎抹角而不回答問題,使人難以理解他的觀點。
Please don't beat around the bush; just tell me the truth about what happened. 請不要拐彎抹角,告訴我發生了什麼事的真相。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「beat around the bush」是樹叢中走動,其實指不坦率或拐彎抹角地講話。
"Beat around the bush" 是一個英語俚語,意思是避免直接回答或談論一個問題,而是用模稜兩可的方式說話,或者拐彎抹角地表達觀點,通常是因為不想直接說出不好的消息或敏感的主題。
根據一種解釋,"beat around the bush" 的起源與古代狩獵有關,獵人會使用棍子(stick)來敲擊灌木叢或樹叢,以驅趕藏在其中的獸類,使它們跳出來,然後被捕捉或射擊。然而有些獵人可能會故意拖延,不直接敲擊灌木,而是在周圍散步或進行其他不必要的行動,以延長時間,等待更好的獵機。這種拖延的行為就像是在灌木叢周圍敲擊,但卻不真正解決問題,因此"beat around the bush" 可能源於此種行為。
Buy up (大量購買,買斷):
解釋: The phrase "buy up" means to purchase a large quantity of something, often to acquire control over a particular market or resource. It can also refer to buying all available items of a specific product.
片語「buy up」意味著購買大量的東西,通常是為了控制特定的市場或資源。
The company decided to buy up its competitors to dominate the industry. 該公司決定收購競爭對手,以主宰這個行業。
During the holiday season, people tend to buy up all the popular toys, leaving none for others. 在假期季節,人們傾向於購買所有熱門的玩具,讓其他人無法購得。
X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 以為「buy up」是購買物品,而實際上指的是大量購買。
"Buy up" 是一個英語短語,例如當我們說某人或某個公司 "bought up" 了某個市場的存貨時,我們的意思是他們大量購買了市場上的商品,可能是為了壟斷市場或獲得更多的庫存。
1. What does the phrase fool around / goof off / goof around mean?
a) To engage in unproductive or idle activities instead of working.
b) To play a prank on someone.
c) To study and focus on schoolwork.
d) To engage in a serious conversation.
2. If someone needs to dry out or sober up, what are they trying to achieve?
a) They want to become intoxicated.
b) They want to abstain from alcohol or drugs to overcome addiction or regain sobriety.
c) They want to party and have fun.
d) They want to stay hydrated.
3. What does it mean when someone is told not to beat around the bush?
a) They should go for a walk in the forest.
b) They should be more indirect in their communication.
c) They should avoid addressing a topic directly and speak vaguely.
d) They should be honest and straightforward in their communication.
4. When a company decides to buy up its competitors, what is its primary goal?
a) To collaborate with competitors.
b) To sell off its products.
c) To acquire a large quantity of supplies.
d) To acquire control over a particular market or resource by purchasing a significant number of competitor companies.
a) To engage in unproductive or idle activities instead of working.
b) They want to abstain from alcohol or drugs to overcome addiction or regain sobriety.
d) They should be honest and straightforward in their communication.
d) To acquire control over a particular market or resource by purchasing a significant number of competitor companies.