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Guest Editor Recruitment


作為Caterobot AI 雜誌的編輯群,我們認為AI技術的發展對未來的社會和經濟發展至關重要。

我們正在招募熱情、專業且具有貢獻精神的編輯,加入我們的團隊,一同為AI領域的發展和進步貢獻力量。作為AI雜誌的客座編輯,您將負責編輯和審閱稿件,確保文章內容準確、客觀、詳盡,並提供專業的技術指導和建議。您需要具備對AI領域的深入瞭解和熱情,掌握寫作和編輯技巧。我們深信,每個人都擁有自己的獨特才華和能力,只要發揮出來,都可以為AI領域的發展做出貢獻。對於編輯群的貢獻和努力,我們將提供Caterobot AI 貢獻獎,以表彰您的付出和貢獻。Caterobot AI 雜誌致力於提供最佳的AI知識體驗,但這項任務不是一個人的工作。我們期待有才華、專業和熱情的人才,為AI領域的發展貢獻自己的力量,共同探索AI的未來世界。


Caterobot 雜誌編輯部

Dear All,

As the chief editor of AI Magazine, we believe that the development of AI technology is crucial for the future of society and the economy. We are currently seeking passionate, professional, and dedicated editors to join our team and contribute to the advancement of the AI field.

As an editor for AI Magazine, you will be responsible for editing and reviewing manuscripts, ensuring that the content is accurate, objective, and comprehensive, and providing expert technical guidance and advice. You must have a deep understanding and enthusiasm for the AI field, as well as writing and editing skills, and excellent communication and coordination skills to efficiently and orderly manage all aspects of the work.

We firmly believe that everyone has unique talents and abilities that can contribute to the development of the AI field. Therefore, we provide a contribution award to recognize your efforts and contributions to the editorial team.

AI Magazine is dedicated to providing the best AI knowledge experience, but this mission is not a one-person job. We are looking for talented, professional, and enthusiastic individuals to contribute their skills and expertise to the development of AI and explore the future world of AI together.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your resume and a brief self-introduction to our email address. We look forward to your joining!

Best regards,

Caterobot AI Magazine Editorial Team

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