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5分鐘英文口語|“all at once” 突然變化 (12)

作家相片: Lin Chen XiLin Chen Xi


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all of a sudden / all at once(突然):

解釋: Both phrases are used to describe a sudden and unexpected event or change. They emphasize the abruptness of the occurrence.

  • "All of a sudden" suggests that something happened quickly and without warning.

  • "All at once" indicates that multiple things happened simultaneously or in a brief period, causing a sudden change.


  • "all of a sudden" 暗示某事發生得快速且毫無預警。

  • "all at once" 表示多個事情同時或在短時間內發生,導致突然變化。


  1. All of a sudden, the lights went out, and the room was plunged into darkness. 突然之間,燈熄滅了,房間陷入了黑暗。

  2. When the storm hit, all at once the wind picked up, the rain poured, and thunder roared. 當暴風雨來襲時,風突然加大,雨傾盆而下,雷聲響徹。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 :有些人可能誤以為這兩個短語是可以互換使用的同義詞,但它們實際上強調了事件的不同方面,一個是突然的速度,一個是多個事情同時發生。


be up / be over (何差異?):

解釋: Both "be up" and "be over" are phrasal verbs that relate to the completion of an event or task. However, they are used in slightly different contexts.

  • "Be up" is often used to indicate that an event, period, or deadline has arrived or is about to happen. It suggests that something is imminent or has reached its scheduled time.

  • "Be over," on the other hand, is used to indicate that an event or period has ended or concluded. It implies that something has already happened or finished.

"be up" 和 "be over" 都是與事件或任務的完成有關的短語動詞。


  • "be up" 通常用來表示一個事件、時間段或截止日期已經到來或即將發生。它暗示某事即將發生或已經達到預定時間。

  • "be over" 則用來表示一個事件或時間段已經結束或結束了。它暗示某事已經發生或結束。


  1. The meeting is up at 3:00 PM, so please be on time. 會議在下午3點舉行,請準時到場。

  2. The concert is over, and the audience is leaving the venue. 音樂會結束了,觀眾正在離開場地。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能混淆這兩個短語,誤以為它們可以互換使用,但它們實際上在表示不同的時間點。


ahead of time(提前):

解釋: This phrase means doing something earlier or completing a task or action before the expected or scheduled time. It indicates preparedness and efficiency.



  1. She finished her project ahead of time, allowing her to review it thoroughly before the deadline. 她提前完成了她的項目,使她能夠在截止日期之前徹底檢查。

  2. Please arrive at the airport ahead of time to ensure you have enough time for security checks and boarding. 請提前到達機場,以確保您有足夠的時間進行安全檢查和登機。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 : 有些人可能誤以為這個片語僅表示提前到達某地,而不是提前完成任務或行動。


have (time) off(休假):

解釋: This phrase means to have a period of time when you are not working or not obligated to do something. It typically refers to a break or vacation from one's regular work or responsibilities.

中文翻譯: 這個片語表示有一段時間,你不需要工作或不必做某事。通常指的是從常規工作或責任中休息或度假。


  1. After working hard for months, she finally took some time off to relax and recharge. 在幾個月的努力工作後,她終於放假休息充電。

  2. I'm planning to have a few days off next week to spend time with my family. 我打算下週休息幾天,和家人在一起。

X 常被誤會的錯誤意思 :有些人可能誤以為這個片語僅指休息時間,而忽略了它通常與工作或責任有關。



  1. What is the difference between "be up" and "be over"? a. "Be up" indicates the completion of an event, while "be over" suggests that something is imminent. b. "Be up" suggests that something is imminent, while "be over" indicates the completion of an event. c. There is no difference between them.

  2. What does the phrase "ahead of time" mean? a. To delay something. b. To do something later than planned. c. To do something earlier or before the expected time.

  3. Which phrase emphasizes a sudden change caused by multiple things happening at once? a. All of a sudden b. All at once c. All of the above

  4. What does the phrase "have (time) off" refer to? a. Having too much work to do. b. Taking a break or vacation from work or responsibilities. c. Working extra hours.


  1. a. "Be up" indicates the completion of an event, while "be over" suggests that something is imminent.

  2. c. To do something earlier or before the expected time.

  3. b. All at once

  4. b. Taking a break or vacation from work or responsibilities.


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