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1.1. 成為本網站會員需要填寫完整的個人資料,並確認所有提交的資料均為真實、正確、最新和完整的。

1.2. 會員註冊後,本網站將發送確認郵件,請按照郵件中的指示進行確認。


2.1. 會員可在本網站上訪問和使用提供的服務,包括但不限於線上課程、下載資料、參與討論區等。

2.2. 會員應保護個人帳戶和密碼,並對使用帳戶和密碼造成的任何損失負責。

2.3. 本網站有權限制或終止會員使用本網站的權限,並有權在任何時間暫停或終止提供本網站的服務。


3.1. 會員在使用本網站時應遵守相關的法律法規,不得利用本網站從事任何非法活動。

3.2. 會員不得利用本網站傳播任何違法、有害、威脅、騷擾、誹謗、淫穢、猥褻、侵犯他人權利等內容。

3.3. 會員不得利用本網站進行任何干擾或損害本網站正常運行的行為。


4.1. 本網站不保證其提供的服務或產品完全符合會員的要求和期望。

4.2. 本網站不對因使用其提供的服務或產品而導致的任何損失或損害負責。


5.1. 本網站將根據相關法律法規保護會員的個人資料,未經會員授權,不會向任何第三方披露會員的個人資料,除非法律法規或有關主管機關要求。


6.1. 本網站保留隨時修改或暫停本網站提供的服務的權利,並不需提前通知會員。

6.2. 本網站不保證其提供的服務不會中斷或出現任何錯誤,也不承擔因此導致的任何損失或損害。


7.1. 本網站所提供的內容包括但不限於文字、圖片、視頻、音頻、軟體等均受到相關的知識產權法律法規保護。 7.2. 未經本網站或相關權利人授權,任何人不得擅自複製、修改、發佈、轉載、出售或以其他方式利用本網站所提供的內容。


8.1. 本使用條款的制定、執行和解釋均適用中華人民共和國法律法規。

8.2. 若因本使用條款產生任何爭議,雙方應協商解決,協商不成的,任何一方均可向有管轄權的法院提起訴訟。


9.1. 本使用條款構成雙方之間就使用本網站達成的完整協議,取代所有先前的口頭或書面協議。

9.2. 本網站有權根據業務發展的需要隨時修改本使用條款,並在本網站上公佈,修改後的使用條款自公佈之日起生效。


Welcome to our membership website, Before using this website, please read these terms of use carefully, as using this website indicates your agreement to these terms. If you do not agree with any of these terms, please do not use this website.

Membership Registration

1.1. Becoming a member of this website requires filling out complete personal information and confirming that all submitted information is true, accurate, up-to-date, and complete.

1.2. After registering as a member, this website will send a confirmation email. Please follow the instructions in the email to confirm.

Usage Permissions

2.1. Members may access and use the provided services on this website, including but not limited to online courses, data downloads, participation in discussion forums, and more.

2.2. Members are responsible for protecting their personal accounts and passwords and are liable for any loss resulting from the use of their accounts and passwords.

2.3. This website reserves the right to restrict or terminate a member's access to and use of this website and to suspend or terminate the provision of services on this website at any time.

Usage Restrictions

3.1. Members must comply with relevant laws and regulations when using this website and must not engage in any illegal activities through this website.

3.2. Members must not disseminate any illegal, harmful, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, or content that infringes upon the rights of others through this website.

3.3. Members must not engage in any acts that interfere with or damage the normal operation of this website.


4.1. This website does not guarantee that its provided services or products fully meet the requirements and expectations of members.

4.2. This website is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of its provided services or products.

Privacy Protection

5.1. This website will protect the personal information of members in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and will not disclose members' personal information to any third party without authorization, unless required by law or regulatory authorities.

Service Changes and Interruptions

6.1. This website reserves the right to modify or suspend the services provided on this website at any time without prior notice to members.

6.2. This website does not guarantee that its provided services will be uninterrupted or free from any errors, and it does not assume any liability for any loss or damage caused by such interruptions or errors.

Intellectual Property

7.1. The content provided on this website, including but not limited to text, images, videos, audio, software, and more, is protected by relevant intellectual property laws and regulations.

7.2. No one may copy, modify, publish, reproduce, sell, or otherwise utilize the content provided on this website without authorization from this website or the relevant rights holders.


8.1. The formulation, enforcement, and interpretation of these terms of use shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

8.2. If any dispute arises from these terms of use, the parties shall resolve it through negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit in a court with jurisdiction.

Other Provisions

9.1. These terms of use constitute the complete agreement between the parties regarding the use of this website and replace all prior oral or written agreements.

9.2. This website reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time according to business development needs and will publish the modified terms on this website. The modified terms of use will take effect from the date of publication.

The above are the terms of use for this website. Please read and comply with the relevant provisions carefully. If you have any questions about the terms of use, please contact the customer service


歡迎使用Caterobot AI雜誌網站。在使用本網站前,請詳細閱讀本隱私權政策,因為使用本網站即表示您同意本隱私權政策。如果您不同意本隱私權政策的任何條款,請勿使用本網站。


1.1. 當您註冊成為Caterobot會員時,我們會收集您的電子郵件地址和密碼等必要的個人資料。

1.2. 當您訂閱我們的電子報時,我們會收集您的電子郵件地址以便向您發送最新的AI相關資訊。

1.3. 當您使用我們的網站時,我們會收集您的IP地址、瀏覽器類型、訪問時間等相關的訪問資訊。


2.1. 我們會使用您提供的個人資料來管理您的會員帳戶,向您提供最新的AI相關資訊,回答您的詢問和提供客戶支持。

2.2. 我們會使用收集的訪問資訊來改善我們的網站和服務,了解網站訪問者的興趣和需求。


3.1. 我們會採取適當的技術和組織措施來保護您的個人資料,以防止未經授權的訪問、使用或泄露。

3.2. 我們不會向任何第三方出售、出租、交換或公開您的個人資料,除非法律法規或有關主管機關要求。

3.3. 我們僅會保留您的個人資料所必需的時間,超過必要期限後,我們會安全銷毀或匿名處理您的個人資料。


4.1. 我們使用Cookie來記錄訪問者的偏好和網站的使用情況,以便改善我們的網站和服務。

4.2. 您可以在瀏覽器設置中選擇關閉Cookie,但這可能會影響您對我們網站的使用體驗。


5.1. 我們保留隨時修改本隱私權政策的權利。如果我們對隱私權政策進行任何重大更改,我們將在網站上發布通知。

5.2. 網站使用條款和隱私權政策是獨立的,如果本網站的使用條款發生修改,不會影響本隱私權政策的有效性。


6.1. 如果您對本隱私權政策有任何疑問或疑慮,或者需要更改或刪除您的個人資料,請聯繫我們。

6.2. 我們將盡最大努力回應您的請求,以保護您的個人資料和隱私。

以上為Caterobot AI雜誌網站的隱私權政策,請仔細閱讀並遵守相關規定。如果您對隱私權政策有任何疑問,請聯繫我們的客服人員。

Welcome to the Caterobot AI Magazine website. Before using this website, please read this Privacy Policy carefully, as using this website indicates your agreement to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any of the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use this website.

Collected Personal Information

1.1. When you register as a Caterobot member, we collect necessary personal information, such as your email address and password.

1.2. When you subscribe to our newsletter, we collect your email address to send you the latest AI-related information.

1.3. When you use our website, we collect relevant access information such as your IP address, browser type, and visit time.


Purpose of Use

2.1. We will use the personal information you provide to manage your member account, provide you with the latest AI-related information, answer your inquiries, and provide customer support.

2.2. We will use the collected access information to improve our website and services, and understand the interests and needs of


website visitors.

Protection of Personal Information

3.1. We will implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

3.2. We will not sell, rent, exchange, or disclose your personal information to any third party unless required by law or regulatory authorities.

3.3. We will only retain your personal information for the necessary period. After the retention period, we will securely destroy or anonymize your personal information.


Use of Cookies

4.1. We use cookies to record visitor preferences and website usage in order to improve our website and services.

4.2. You can choose to disable cookies in your browser settings, but this may affect your user experience on our website.


Modifications to the Privacy Policy

5.1. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make any significant changes to the Privacy Policy, we will provide notice on the website.

5.2. The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the website are independent. If there are modifications to the Terms of Use, it will not affect the validity of this Privacy Policy.


Contact Us

6.1. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or need to modify or delete your personal information, please contact us.

6.2. We will make every effort to respond to your requests in order to protect your personal information and privacy.

The above is the Privacy Policy of the Caterobot AI Magazine website. Please read and comply with the relevant provisions carefully. If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please contact our customer service representatives.


歡迎註冊成為Caterobot AI雜誌網站的會員。在註冊前,請詳細閱讀本行為準則,因為註冊成為本網站會員即表示您同意本行為準則。如果您不同意本行為準則的任何條款,請勿註冊本網站會員。


1.1. 作為本網站會員,您應該誠實守信,不得散布虛假信息或進行任何詐騙行為。 1.2. 您應該遵守本網站的規定,不得利用本網站從事任何違法或違反道德規範的行為。


2.1. 您應該尊重知識產權,不得未經許可擅自使用他人的著作權、專利權、商標權或其他知識產權。

2.2. 如果您在本網站上發表內容,請確保您有權利使用相關知識產權。


3.1. 作為本網站會員,您應該維護網站的秩序,不得發表任何不良言論、侮辱性言論或攻擊性言論。

3.2. 您不得通過本網站進行任何非法活動,包括但不限於傳播病毒、駭客攻擊等行為。



4.1. 作為本網站會員,您應該保護個人隱私,不得擅自洩露他人的個人信息或任何機密信息。

4.2. 您不得利用本網站收集或利用其他會員的個人信息。


5.1. 您應該遵守相關法律法規和政策,不得利用本網站從事任何違反法律法規和政策的行為。

5.2. 您應該遵守本行為準則和其他本網站的規定,不得利用本網站從事任何有損社會公共利益的行為。


6.1. 您應該維護本網站的安全,不得利用本網站進行任何破壞、攻擊或測試網站漏洞的行為。

6.2. 您應該遵守本網站的相關規定,不得通過本網站傳輸任何病毒、木馬或其他有害程式碼。


7.1. 您應該尊重其他會員的權益,不得進行任何干擾或損害其他會員的行為。

7.2. 如果您發現其他會員違反了本行為準則或其他本網站的規定,請聯繫本網站客服人員。


8.1. 本行為準則適用於所有本網站會員,包括但不限於註冊會員、訪問會員等。

8.2. 如果您違反了本行為準則的任何條款,本網站有權對您採取相應的處理措施,包括但不限於限制您的會員權益、暫停或終止您的會員資格等。

以上為Caterobot AI雜誌網站的會員註冊的行為準則,請仔細閱讀並遵守相關規定。如果您對行為準則有任何疑問,請聯繫本網站客服人員。

Welcome to register as a member of the Caterobot AI Magazine website. Before registering, please read this Code of Conduct carefully, as registering as a member of this website indicates your agreement to this Code of Conduct. If you do not agree with any of the terms of this Code of Conduct, please do not register as a member of this website.

Honesty and Integrity

1.1. As a member of this website, you should be honest and act with integrity, and you should not spread false information or engage in any fraudulent activities.
1.2. You should comply with the regulations of this website and should not engage in any illegal or unethical behaviors through this website.

Respect for Intellectual Property

2.1. You should respect intellectual property rights and should not use others' copyrights, patents, trademarks, or other intellectual property without permission.
2.2. If you post content on this website, please ensure that you have the rights to use the relevant intellectual property.


Maintenance of Order

3.1. As a member of this website, you should maintain order on the website and should not make any derogatory, insulting, or offensive remarks.
3.2. You should not engage in any illegal activities through this website, including but not limited to spreading viruses or conducting hacking attacks.


Protection of Privacy

4.1. As a member of this website, you should protect personal privacy and should not disclose others' personal information or any confidential information without authorization.
4.2. You should not collect or use other members' personal information through this website.


Compliance with Laws and Regulations

5.1. You should comply with relevant laws, regulations, and policies and should not engage in any activities through this website that violate laws, regulations, or policies.
5.2. You should comply with this Code of Conduct and other regulations of this website and should not engage in any activities that undermine the social public interest through this website.


Maintenance of Website Security

6.1. You should maintain the security of this website and should not engage in any behavior that disrupts, attacks, or tests website vulnerabilities through this website.
6.2. You should comply with the relevant regulations of this website and should not transmit any viruses, malware, or other harmful code through this website.


Protection of Member Rights

7.1. You should respect the rights of other members and should not engage in any behavior that interferes with or damages other members' interests.
7.2. If you find that another member has violated this Code of Conduct or other regulations of this website, please contact the customer service of this website.


Compliance with the Code of Conduct

8.1. This Code of Conduct applies to all members of this website, including but not limited to registered members and visiting members.
8.2. If you violate any term of this Code of Conduct, this website reserves the right to take appropriate measures, including but not limited to restricting your membership rights, suspending or terminating your membership.

The above is the Code of Conduct for member registration on the Caterobot AI Magazine website. Please read and comply with the relevant provisions carefully. If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct, please contact the customer service representatives of this website.

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